my bmr for a 5' 7" 21 year old female is 1541. my tdee is roughly 2300. do i maintain the 2300 even on rest days? or do i maintain the 1541 on non workout days?
right? ...i wish. someone who knows anything about fitness and nutrition, please read my rant and give me your input. okay, so i haven't been able to log on here and post my calorie intake and exercise because lack of frequent internet. however, i have been managing my calories. i'm aware of every calorie consumed and i…
anyone into zumba? i took a class yesterday. first time. it was pretty quick paced but i thoroughly enjoyed it. is it better than treadmills, the elliptical, weights, etc? and why is it not on the exercise log?
should i trust? digital or the doctors? i mean how accurate are digital ones? it's kinda hard to get on a doctor's scale every few days....
not my strong point, especially with so many sweets and breads. any advice? i've been trying to chomp on gum and drink water....
i'm burning at least 400 calories daily from exercise, but i'm overboard on the carbs and fat grams. what am i doing wrong here? do i just not eat the burned calories from exercise?