progress not perfection

...i wish.

someone who knows anything about fitness and nutrition, please read my rant and give me your input.

okay, so i haven't been able to log on here and post my calorie intake and exercise because lack of frequent internet. however, i have been managing my calories. i'm aware of every calorie consumed and i try to keep it in my 1,200 range. i eat clean. mainly veggies, fruits, and protein. i exercise almost daily (wednesday and sunday are my exceptions), burning a minimum of 350 calories. my bicycle is my transportation to and from work which is .5 miles away, as well as the gym which is 3 miles away.

i SHOULD be content and satisfied, even comfortably allowing days of weakness to food, right?
not the case. last night i went out with a friend. we split a large popcorn. i had already had close to 900 calories prior that day. then i came home to liquid chocolate. WEAKNESS.
today, i continue on a peanut butter binge.

it's rainy. honestly, i'm premenstrual right now. so maybe that plays a part?

anyways, i suffer from severely beating myself up on these "weekend weak days".
anyone have any advice?

i am considering phentermine to help as an appetite suppressant. my taste buds and cravings get the best of me.

....if you read this rant, thank you.
i needed to vent.


  • CristinaL1983
    CristinaL1983 Posts: 1,119 Member
    I like to look at my week overall instead of a daily thing for this very reason. Last month, PMSing, I ate an entire container of oreos in two days. Yes, an entire pack. I was pretty disgusted with myself ('cause that is kind of gross and I usually eat somewhere in the neighborhood of clean). But instead of beating myself up too much and making myself feel bad about it, I just cut an extra chunk of calories off the rest of the days in the week so that at the end of the week my average was right on.

    And I moved on. And my weight loss did not suffer at all because of it. So no big deal. Just my opinion.[I've been on MFP since Jan 15th and I love the weekly report feature, it is my friend]

    Also, not sure if you have a smartphone but the app is awesome!
  • CristinaL1983
    CristinaL1983 Posts: 1,119 Member
    Also, one of the biggest things that has helped me is finding lower cal substitutes. I really wanted a muffin or danish for breakfast today but I stuck with the Kellog's pastry thins. They aren't the same but they made the cravings go away. I pretty much do that for everything, try to figure out what works for me as a substitute. If I want french fries with salt, I chop up a sweet potato or red potato, toss it in olive oil, bake it then salt it to my taste. If I want something cheesy, I get some broccoli, cauliflower, carrots and add a light cheese sauce. If I want something buttery, I make a butter sauce that is part butter part olive oil.

    For me, finding substitutes has been one of the best things for my weight loss. Figuring out how I can hit my cravings without actually consuming the bad crap I used to eat.
  • skydiveD30571
    skydiveD30571 Posts: 281 Member
    How did you determine 1200 calories as your target intake? Are you eating back your exercise calories? It's a pretty common scenario to have binge episodes while undereating. I'd be willing to bet you are undereating.

    Take some time to read about, learn, and calculate your BMR and TDEE. Unless you have a medical issue, I'd say you can eat more and still lose weight while feeling satisfied.
  • WFBspantran
    WFBspantran Posts: 59 Member
    If you can not be around MFP and don't have a smartphone (she is right the app is amazing!) then write in a log everything you eat (yes everything) and when you are around the Internet fill in your log. It does help keep you accountable. I also agree with the idea of looking at your week as a whole... if you have one bad day just move on. Don't dwell on it, don't try to make up for eating excess calories or getting in marathon cardio session to burn off the calories out of guilt. Portion control is important... plain and simple. If you love peanut butter (me too!) but you have a hard time figuring out your potion size then carry a Tablespoon with you. Take the time to measure it out so you know what a serving (or 1/2) really is. This will take time and likely cut down on your calories.

    Don't beat yourself up. Try to eat clean 85% of the time. If that too much for now then try a smaller amount and work up to it. Allow yourself a meal here and there (not a day) to eat something you really want. Also, drink water... if you are hungry then for eat item you "binge" on force yourself to take a large drink of water. It will fill you up faster.

    Good luck and keep going! Everyone has days or weekends like this, just don't let them own you!