Blood Glucose Meters
Have a question or comment regarding your meter, testing results or test strips? Share your experience here.
New to the Group? Introduce yourself here.
Welcome to the Type 2 Diabetes Support Group! :smile: Hi, my name is Bob. I'm living a happy, healthy and complication free lifestyle since my T2 diagnosis in 1982. I'm treating my T2D condition with Lantus long acting insulin, Metformin 2x/day, along with Novolog mealtime insulin to cover my mealtime carbohydrates. It's…
Helpful Online Diabetic Resources
Hi there, Type 2 Diabetes Support Group! :drinker: The following is a list of online diabetic communities I've found to be very educational, beneficial and helpful over the years towards my diabetes self-care goals. Each site is unique and beneficial, packed with invaluable information for those new to diabetes, in…
What was your fasting BG today?
98 for me. My apologies to the group. I've somehow managed to make this topic vanish after attempting to make it a sticky once again after the upgrade. So much content from our groups' previous discussions didn't follow along with this upgrade. A challenging learning curve to be sure.
Smart Phone Tracking Apps
Have a blood glucose tracking app you like to share for your mobile device? share it here!
29 Things Only a Person with Diabetes Would Understand
A humorous look, written by Lizmari Collazo at Healthline.com http://www.healthline.com/health/diabetes/would-understand
The History of Diabetes: A time line
From the dlife Diabetes Museum http://www.dlife.com/files/Timeline/
Fun Quizzes from Dlife
I took on the Summer Diabetes Quiz and scored 10 out of 12. http://www.dlife.com/diabetes/quiz/showQuiz.html?quizId=8 Other fun quizzes to take on here too. http://www.dlife.com/diabetes_quizzes
7 Steps to Self-Compassion with Diabetes
Leann Harris of Delphi Diabetes Coaching-being a T1D herself for 14yrs, shares her professional perspective on the oftentimes overlooked emotional aspects of living life with diabetes. Her very helpful article as presented through the diabetesdaily.com weekly newsletter can be found following the link below.…
Afrezza; an inhaled version of insulin therapy.
His viewpoint and the following discussion with Mike H, from the online community of diabetesmine.com http://www.diabetesmine.com/2014/04/holding-our-breath-for-inhaled-insulin-afrezza.html Interesting read. Equally interesting is this article posted by Joe LaMattina, a Forbes contributor covering news on drugs and R&D in…
Diabetes Self-Management Article
Updated March 19, 2014 Your Diabetes Management Plan-Why It Pays to Have One. by Michael Weiss and Martha Funnell, MS, RN, CDE Whether you have had diabetes for years or are newly diagnosed, you know that dealing with this condition can be a challenge. For one thing, diabetes never goes away. Although there are numerous…
Interesting interview; Mike Lee, founder of MyFitnessPal.
Mobile Entertainment (ME) reports the latest news, views and analysis from the fast-moving mobile content industry, across a unique combination of online, apps, mobile, email and specialist industry events. "From visiting a personal trainer to tidy his own diet with a notepad, to helping millions of people clean up theirs…
Improving Your Diabetes Care Visits
http://www.diabetesselfmanagement.com/articles/diabetes-basics/improving-your-diabetes-care-visits/1/ Good article, check it out.
A free eBook to help you on your 1st year with diabetes
http://www.tudiabetes.org/forum/topics/a-free-ebook-to-help-you-on Will Dubois is a Diabetes Author, Educator and Advocate and a diabetes patient himself. He dedicates his life to help people with diabetes in rural New Mexico, as Diabetes Coordinator at the Pecos Valley Medical Center. He has written a book called "Taming…
Blood Sugar Testing Questions?
A place to share your questions
Blood Glucose Conversion US vs UK/Canadian Values
U.S. value = UK / Canadian value times 18 (mmol/L x 18 = mg/dl). U.K./Canadian value = U.S. value divided by 18 (mg/dl / 18 = mmol/L). Whats the difference between mmol/L and mg/dL? Both sets of units are used to measure blood sugar levels and both give a measurement of the concentration of glucose in the blood, albeit in…
PSA: Free Nova Max Glucose Meter
Hi All, First come first served. I'm in the US, and currently have, an extra gently used, pre-driven, :laugh: in the box, Nova Max blood glucose meter looking to find a home with someone in need and, either doesn't have one, or is struggling to afford one. http://www.novacares.com/nova-max-plus/ <<<<learn more about this…
Ask D'Mine: Dueling Glucose Meters
Hey all, D'Mine is a great site I've come to enjoy over the years, and wanted to share this weeks' Ask D'Mine column with everyone. Wil (William Lee) Dubois, a veteran T1 diabetic, diabetes educator and author, offering his experiences and keen eye and insights on the glucometer market, along with his control test…
A1C Self Test Kit
Hi There:smile: As a T2 diabetic since 1986 and living in the US, I find the cost associated with managing and controlling my blood sugars (with supplies, medications, doctors visits, lab work, just to name a few...) to say the least, very troubling, problematic and financially exhausting. To that end, I purchased…
Got side tracked this morning.
Hey there,:smile: This post, although initially intended for me to post today's morning test result for the "What's my FBG today" thread quickly turned direction and into a new topic. So, I tested before going to bed last night after coming home from a meeting I had around 10pm. 144.(ouch), :mad: The above number showed…
What's Cook'n at dlife TV?
Hey there, So, I'm always lookin for new cookin ideas in the ktichen to help me eat healthy diabetic friendly meals for controling my pre-meal and post-meal blood sugar levels. You may already know of the dlife foundation, an online community for people with diabetes. http://www.dlife.com/homepage This past Sunday, I…
How to Read a Package Nutrition Label
Hi, While chosing a Cream of Wheat product for breakfast this morning, I read the nutrition label on the back of the box and came across "other carbohydates" in additon to the value listed for "total carbohydrates" listed above, and it got me to thinking. What is that? My enthusiasm for sharing this info is wanting to "pay…
What you may not know about Type 2 Diabetes
Hi, I've been T2 diabetic for 26 years and would like to share this awesome site with everyone. Please find this link to: bloodsugar101.com This site is a fantastic source of information, easy to read and understand for everything diabetes and has been invalauble to me over the years in helping me gain better control. Best…
Mayo Clinic - Diabetes meal plan recipes
Hey There, Came across this, this morning and wanted to share. I'm looking forward to checking out some of these recipes to learn if they're a good fit for me. http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/diabetes-recipes/RE00091 Bon Appetit! :tongue: eta; copy and paste this link to your web browser.
Blood Glucose Conversion US/UK Values
Blood Glucose Conversion U.S. value = UK / Canadian value times 18 (mmol/L x 18 = mg/dl). U.K./Canadian value = U.S. value divided by 18 (mg/dl / 18 = mmol/L). In a person without diabetes, blood sugar is normally between 80 and 110 mg/dl. Blood Glucose Conversion Chart (mg/dL-mmol/L) mg/-…