New (again)
Hello everyone! I just thought I should introduce myself. My name is Hanna, I'm from Sweden, 29 yol and mum of a monster (1,5) I have been overweight since forever but really succeded three years ago. dropped 20 kgs from jan to june. Thanks to C25K and MFP! Then came the summer with all its good drinks, food and…
Hi! I could really need your help with breakfast. I need a low cal breakfast but with the benefit of making me feel full for long. porridge doesn't seem to do the trick and now I am eating sandwiches which is no good at all. Please help. Hanna
elbows and wrists
Hi everyone! I have a small problem. My wrists and elbows are weak and i need any tips I can get as of how to get them stronger. Having weak wrists are a problem not only in boxing and doing push ups but even bike riding can be painful. Any ideas?
6 week challenge
Thought i should share this challenge. During these 6 weeks you will have done • 150 kilometers/93 miles (you can run, swim, walk, ski, snowboard, bike as long as it is 150 km and you move forward) • 1h of “the plank” (on your knees or toes) • 500 pushups (on your knees or toes) • 20 min of holding the “wall squat”…
Swollen fingers?
I almost always get swollen fingers when i exercise. You guys know why this happens?
Need some gadget help
A huge motivator for me are gadgets. I'd say i'm a gadget geek when it comes to workouts. Having these little blipping and blopping things measure my progress makes the workouts so much more fun. What i would like to know now is if you guys have some inside info on scales. I have a "regular" digital one, but would really…
Hi y'all! I know we are all suppose to lose weight (some of us maybe gain) and not for any of us a cake is a good way to achieve our goals - BUT- i have a birtday coming up and i LOVE cakes. Mostly to bake em but hey i can't say i don't like eating them. So here's my question. What is your favourite filling? I need…
Ideas for prices
Hi! Iguess u as well as I have set up some goals during the way. In my case 6kg lost every second month, with a great start at my birthday. You have any good ideas for prizes to myself? Guess my imagination isn't as good as I hoped :( All my love and keep up the good job!
Hanna from Sweden
Hi y'all! New to this site but the concept isnt that unfamiliar. Lost 20kg in half a year winter-summer 2009. Toned my body (there's a lot of skin going on when you lose as much weight) when i worked on Iceland autumn 2009 and was pretty satisfied with my progress but then i moved to Norway for a year and gained 10kg. Home…