Jillian Michaels Mission
After my big set back my head is really back in it again. I've decided to do the Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred videos (today was the first one) and also try to do a second video as well each day. Today I did the shred and then kickboxing .....my legs feel amazing!!!! I keep having to stretch them but its such a good crazy…
My trainer told me that if I hit a plateau I should pick 2 days a week and make them protein days (try and stay away from carbs) just to give my body a jolt. Has anyone heard of this before? If so, does it work?
My mindset is starting to change...I'm so excited
Small achievement but had to share.... The scale has not moved for a week now even though I've been eating healthy and exercising....yesterday I was so ready to cave out of frustration that nothing is happening anyways...you know the story. But I kept reminding myself I didn't want to have a total sabotage of a day and be…
So scared to start Level 3 of my video tomorrow
So my hubby and I are doing the Jillian Michaels 30 day shred and tomorrow morning are starting level 3. Can I just say that I am scared to death! Anyone out there know what I am in for? Any advice?
Heart Rate/Calorie monitor question
My hubby got me one of these contraptions for my birthday because I've been dying to get one. I've used it 4 times now and I LOVE it!!! My only question is for those that have these, do you find you burn less calories than the amount that MFP says in the same time frame?
March Promise - Sorry 1 day late!
Sorry this is a day late...we had a mini flood at our place and its been hectic here. This post is to remind everyone again that we just entered March....so whether you've made your Jan/Feb goals or not, this is a new month. Make March count. We have over 4 weeks to make some great changes to our bodies and get fit. I…
Fruit Challenge
This is probably more for me but I thought I'd put it out there....whenever I get a sweet craving its hard not to cave so I've changed the group logo again to a picture of fruit and am going to make an effort this week to grab a fruit first when I need sweets. I challenge all of you to think of fruit more this week as well.
This is so terrible...I can make a thousand excuses for this but really it comes down to my not being accountable. I gained every single pound that I had lost back in the last week and a half simply by secretly giving myself permission with excuses to not log in here...not be accountable and not get on a scale. It started…
February 1st is Another New Years
Hi Team. I wanted to remind everyone that tomorrow is February 1st and I love to treat the first of the month like another New Years....so if you've struggled this last week and are thinking of giving up now is definitely not the time to do that. Now is the time to recommit. Why wait another 330 days to restart the next…
My 68 Year Old Aunt
Ok team. I wanted to share something with all of you that I thought was really inspiring. My 68 year old aunt is great and knows it is important to keep your body in good shape (you only get one body in life). She typically does some eliptical, rowing machine etc around the house. Last night she decided she really wanted…
If you have only good food in your house you can eat only good food. We just purged so much from our house...chocolate cakes etc....now we can't eat it! The goal is to grocery shop and only by healthy food...if you have to ask whether its ok to eat it probably isn't. I'm urging everyone to purge the garbage and don't bring…
Weekend Challenge - Include Someone New!
Hey Everyone. Its always a challenge not to get bored of our workouts so this weekend I thought I would propose a challenge. Let's try to bring someone to exercise with someone we don't normally include. This could mean bringing a family member to your current workout or doing something completely new like speed walking…
Did we seriously just hit the 400 member mark. This is so great that it is catching on. We have an awesome group. Welcome everyone new. Remember if you are just getting started it is not too late....its always better to start today than wait for the next Jan 1st to come around. Good job team!
Drop outs
We have a great group going here. We are three weeks into our plans from New Years and I am happy to report with almost 400 members there are only 20 or so in the group who have not logged in for more than 10 days. Not too shabby. Don't be one of those people who makes a New Years resolution and drops it in the first…
Just Came Back From a Nutrition Seminar
A lot of the info was basic stuff that we all already know about so I won't post that stuff...but here are a few tips that I learned and didn't already know: Don't drink with your meal...it makes you full while eating so you can't gage whether you've had enough real nutrients....Instead you should drink a glass of water 20…
3lbs in 3 weeks and a little motivation to get you going!!!
Well the first week I lost 2.5 lbs...the second week gained a little back with the parties and some added stress...but happy to report that as of this a.m I am down 3 lbs and the 3 week mark...so overall on track! That makes me super hyped and motivated that this week is going to be a good one! Hope everyone has some good…
I think my head is back....
I have the worst time getting back into the right frame of mind mentally of eating well and exercising when I have a bad weekend...which I did last week. I think I'm back again and encouraged. Just did a great workout and feel awesome! GOODBYE FAT!!! HELLO MUSCLES!!!!
Weight Gain Explained
I think because I don't have much to lose and have started exercising a lot the number on the scale for me may temporarily increase even though I would expect it to decrease. I just found an article on this...pasted below....read and tell me what you think! ARTICLE Probably the most common question I get when I release a…
Additional one on one motivation
I was wondering if there was anyone in our group that is similar in body/pounds needed to lose as me so that I can get/give personal motivation and get an extra push from someone who's at their almost last 10 lbs. I'm 5'7" Medium build Current weight 147.5 Goal weight 135lb If you are out there please let me know! Thank you
Rough Weekend
I've had a rough weekend in terms of sticking to the plan I had created for myself...with my son's 1st birthday and my best friends 50th birthday...lets just say there was a lot of cake....I'm disappointed in myself. To top it off my aunt passed on Saturday night so I've been a little stressed. I'm frustrated but found…
Monthly Motivation
Hi Group, I can't believe I joined MFP just days before New Years...saw JCL1974's post about it being a good idea to start a group...doing it...and now we are at 300+ members. This is fantastic. It is great that so many of us are commited to getting healthy and strong. The problem with resolutions is that most people…
Turn around the start of a bad day
So I was thinking about how sometimes I can start off having a bad day and when that happens I always feel like throwing in the towel for the day and just having a junk day...but no more! Today I thought would be one of those days but I turned my day around in mid-afternoon. After eating 3 pieces of egg bread in the…
So I thought I would start a thread where we can post tricks we have for staying on track and maybe we can pick up a few things from each other to help us out. To start us off I'll post a few of mine: 1. If I think I'm having a lazy feeling day when I wake up in the morning I will enter in my exercise in MFP first thing in…
BANNER - Contest
Hey everyone. We really need a banner/logo for this group (clearly not the scribble one I just put on as a temporary holder). If anyone has any ideas please share so we can pick one for our group.
Water - how do I remember to drink more?
So I'm really not a regular water drinker...my hubby jokes that I have one glass a week...not true...probably closer to one a day. Since New Years I've been up to 3 a day but I'm doing 2 workouts a day so probably still not nearly enough. How do people remember to drink it??
Any recommendations for some really good ones...particularly those that work the lower half of my body. Thank you!
Have you??? I'm so proud of myself. I went and bought 10 Jillian Michaels videos yesterday and got up at 5:30am and worked out. I feel amazing...a little light headed and sick (lol) but so good I'm done for the day. Hope you are all starting on the right track too!
Hey JLC1974
Do you want to add all of the people you friended on your post to this group....great idea you had!!!