A short friend of mine calculated hers by counting her steps around a track. She came up with almost 3 feet, which sounds reasonable to me. But she thinks it's too long for her short legs, and that she miscalculated.
I thought I'd get stronger on weights. I am waiting 48 hours between sessions. But 2 days ago, it was harder than the time before. Physically more difficult to move the same amount of weights. Same with cardio. Some days I skip along the treadmill (I never skip on the elliptical... perhaps some day...). Other days I feel…
Or, that 'aware of a recently used muscle' feeling? Not necessarily SORE all the time, but it reminds you that it's been taxed... ? I've only noticed this recently, since I've been trying to add minutes/speed to cardio, and more wait to the lifting/weight machines.
Point me to a book, please. Or a website. Should I see a personal trainer? I don't want someone who screams at me while I'm trying. I'm 46 body fat, weigh 175 and am 5'2" - if that helps you see where I am physically. (FAR, FAR from fitness) I'm mostly afraid of hurting myself. I've been treadmilling it and tinkering…
Like, your stomach growling so that it wakes you up? Any suggestions on how to stop that? I don't get out of bed and eat when this happens, but it does wake me up. It's like my body isn't respecting the normal FAST that occurs when we sleep.