Why is exercise more difficult some days?

I thought I'd get stronger on weights. I am waiting 48 hours between sessions.

But 2 days ago, it was harder than the time before. Physically more difficult to move the same amount of weights.

Same with cardio. Some days I skip along the treadmill (I never skip on the elliptical... perhaps some day...). Other days I feel like I'm dragging.

What's the deal? Should I look at my food diary? Or could it be hormonal?


  • cricket_77
    cricket_77 Posts: 165 Member
    I sometimes find that if It's been a couple of hours since I ate then my workout seems harder. I'm guessing I don't have enough fuel in my body. I always try to eat and then workout within the hour. I know it makes some people sick, but it works for me!
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    If it's just a sometime thing, don't worry about it. Could be what you ate (or didn't eat), could be insufficient sleep. Could be you worked harder than usual and haven't fully recovered. Some days, I just don't have it. I power thru and do what I can but by the second set I know that confetti won't be dropping from ceiling when I'm done with that days workout.

    Now, OTOH, if everyday you're feeling sluggish and each successive workout is getting harder and harder, then you probably need to eat more. And sleep more. And eat more. And maybe do a little less. In that order.
  • danasings
    danasings Posts: 8,218 Member
    If it's just a sometime thing, don't worry about it. Could be what you ate (or didn't eat), could be insufficient sleep. Could be you worked harder than usual and haven't fully recovered. Some days, I just don't have it. I power thru and do what I can but by the second set I know that confetti won't be dropping from ceiling when I'm done with that days workout.

    Now, OTOH, if everyday you're feeling sluggish and each successive workout is getting harder and harder, then you probably need to eat more. And sleep more. And eat more. And maybe do a little less. In that order.

    Yes, this. For me it's mainly lack of sleep, and occasionally hormonal.
  • EmilyEmpowered
    EmilyEmpowered Posts: 650 Member
    If it's just a sometime thing, don't worry about it. Could be what you ate (or didn't eat), could be insufficient sleep. Could be you worked harder than usual and haven't fully recovered. Some days, I just don't have it. I power thru and do what I can but by the second set I know that confetti won't be dropping from ceiling when I'm done with that days workout.

    Now, OTOH, if everyday you're feeling sluggish and each successive workout is getting harder and harder, then you probably need to eat more. And sleep more. And eat more. And maybe do a little less. In that order.

    This for sure!! I always try to power through, but I also accept it that some days, for whatever reason, my workout is not gonna be as great as I would like. i accept that, do what I can, but I also scale it down a bit so that by my NEXT workout, I will be 100% again. If I overdo it on a day I am already tired, then my next workout tends to be just as bad, and sometimes it turns into a whole week of crappy workouts. So, if I really am THAT tired, I will do a fraction of what I had planned, even though is it SUPER IRRITATING AND FRUSTRATING at times! But I think it is normal to not always be able to go your hardest.

    ETA: I also make sure to get more sleep, eat more, drink more water, etc, before my next session :flowerforyou:
  • chymerra
    chymerra Posts: 212
    do you eat before a workout? when i don't have a sufficient snack, i don't get a good workout because i burn out faster.

    also, if you're consistent, you should be getting stronger. are you concentrating on the same muscle groups (with variation) every 48hrs? i noticed that i got a lot stronger when i followed a consistent and strict program ie. when i was on p90x and followed the program, i got progressively stronger.
  • cindyhoney2
    cindyhoney2 Posts: 603 Member
    Just reading the post and realized that I worked out and I was hungry and I really, really had to pep talk my way thru a 45 min workout. So, I'd have to agree and say that eating is important.
    I am however finding that I feel I'm getting weaker instead of stronger, I was doing 25 push ups at one time, tonight I pulled off 20 in small groups. I also have something wrong w/my neck, like a pinched nerve or something...
  • Sharla_G
    Sharla_G Posts: 72
    I looked at my diary and noticed the day before the bad workout, I was way short on protein. But you all are suggesting it's the same day of eating, even hours before, that are more important. I can see for energy, same day food would be mor important.

    Yes, chymerra, I'm doing the same 4 upper body machines every other day.