For those who care what total strangers think....
What is your favorite gas station that gives you the best bang for your buck? Exxon? BP? Kangaroo?
My aspie baby
Education-wise, she is right on target with her peers, but in maturity, she's about three years behind. She is as loyal as the day is long. And she does her own laundry. YAY! Her volume control sometimes seems broken. When she's not trying to be funny, she is. There are times when she gets a disconnect between her brain…
Mango salsa question
If you use mango salsa, what do you eat it with?
Hummus v/s refried beans
In doing a quick search, it looks like the caloric intake on refried beans is lower than in hummus. What do you think?
Your political cartoon for the day
Calling 911...have you ever done it?
If you have, what for?
To those in other countries...flags at half staff?
Even though Mandela wasn't American, our flags here in America are at half staff for his passing and I was curious to see if they are at half staff where you are.
Corn oil
If I use any oil, I usually use a lot of olive oil and occasionally coconut oil in my cooking. I saw an ad that corn oil is supposed to be heart healthy. Isn't corn a starch? Is corn oil good? Do you use it? What about canola and peanut oils?
Who'se looking forward to the January newbies???
In one short month, we are going to be inundated with new people. Do you think your friends list will grow? Edited for "who's." I am my own grammar nazi. Pttht.
Ugh pounding
My heart feels like a bass drum when I'm on the elliptical. Anyone else with this problem?
Five Ingredients or less
The holidays and pot lucks are upon us. I am looking for quick recipes using five ingredients or less that are tasty.
Cup size
What size Solo brand cup do you buy?
Pattypan, acorn and butternut squash recipes
Since I've expanded my horizons on zuccini and spaghetti squash (really, I'm a pro with spaghetti squash now), I'm interested in trying the following: patty pan squash acorn squash butternut squash. Do you have a tried and true recipe that is fairly easty to make using any of these that is tasty? Please note, I have next…
How would you log.....
The smell of bacon? If your nose is stopped up, you cannot taste anything therefore if you can smell things, you can taste it. Right? How many calories are in a bacon smell? .01? .0001? What if you smell it all day due to a fundraiser going on in the building?
Nude cruise, the question begs to be answered....
Would you go on a nude cruise? I don't know if I'd have the nerve. http://www.islands.com/gallery/nude-cruise-first-timers-top-10-lessons
Fair is fair!
I think this would be a mahvelous idea!!!
Men...for the girls
It's Saturday night. Some of us need eye candy since we can't get out.
Where are they???
Where are all the "people are so mean" threads? I mean really, we haven't had one in a day or two. Folks, you're slacking! Step it up!
Friends needed
I live in SC, I'm 44 years old, 5'9" knocking on 200 pounds and I need support. I ride a chair in front of the computer during the day, so my only outlet is martial arts two to three nights a week which is easier to do because it's done as a group. I go to the gym sporadically, but it's like donning concrete shoes to go…
Naga Fighting???
Naga fighting (grappling) Is anyone here into it?
Our weekend hot fella is....
I never saw a hot fella thread today, and I think we need one. After seeing a commercial for Wolverine, I just HAD to post Hugh Jackman.
Do you suppliment?
Do you suppliment your diet and exercise or just go it natural?
Naga Fighting???
What are people's views about Naga fighting (grappling)? Is anyone here into it?
Ladies lifting
I just started recently and I had read that I should try to lift to muscle failure. Is this a good thing? What are your number of reps per machine or free-weight? Three sets of eight? Two sets of twelve?
If you had a choice....
I am in the market for an IPOD for my daughter who is about to graduate high school. There are so many options, but I'm leaning toward the Gen 4, either the 16 or 32 gig. Help a girl out...do you have one? If so, what is it? Would you recommend it?
Balut...does anyone on here eat the stuff?
If so, HOW do you eat it? Do you have a particular recipe?
I'm wondering....
If there are two women, one 5' high and the other 6' high. Both lose 20 pounds. Which one will it show on first?