Back at square one.
Hi all. Quick background: I'm a 25y/o female. I felt my best in high school (a common story, I'm sure) when I weighed 135 (I'm 5'5"). A few years later, I met a guy, fell in love, and moved in together. Neither of us had very good eating habits, and I soon found myself weighing 208. I finally decided to do something about…
Heart Rate Monitor Watches?
Hey all, I've had my Mio Stride for a while now, and it works great. The only problem is it's really uncomfortable! I would like to stick with a plain watch -- no chest strap -- but I'm having a hard time finding a good replacement. Any tips? Thanks in advance!
Jeans :)
I think one of the best and worst feelings is when your jeans get a little too loose. They're uncomfortable at that point, and until you go out shopping you're slightly embarrassed to be wearing them, but it also means you can probably go down a size or two. I understand that jeans all seem to differ a bit in their sizing,…
I don't understand.
It takes 3500 calories to make a pound, right? So why, if I slip up one day and eat maybe 300 calories over my limit, does my scale show I gained a pound the very next day? Sure, it helps me to not slip up, but it also makes me feel horrible. I finally got down to 30 pounds lost, and now I'm back to 28 pounds -- back to…
Progress :)
Hi all, I'm making progress and seeing it both on the scale and in the mirror! Sadly, I don't have any beginning pics with me -- I think the boyfriend destroyed them, hah. Scale Victories: I weigh myself daily, so I can catch myself if I start slipping. It's just a reminder not to eat that piece of pizza! I understand…
Nothing like it.
Normally, I'm one to obsess over numbers. I have to limit myself to weighing in once a week so I don't drive myself crazy. Today, though, I found the joy of measuring weight loss in other ways -- I've lost about 18 pounds so far, and I'm just now realizing what that means. I'm invited to an event that requires business…
Exercise/Stability Ball
Hey everyone, My boyfriend just bought two exercise balls for us. I'm going to exchange mine for a burst-resistant one, but I'm definitely interested in owning one! I plan on keeping it at my desk and using it as a chair, as well as using it for workouts occasionally. My question is, does anyone else use exercise/stability…