Good Womens Multivitamin
I don't want to take a ton of vitamins. Could someone please suggest a good womens mulitvitamin that promotes weight loss? Thanks in advance. Determiend1980 :smile: :smile:
Why can't I lose weight?
I have no idea why I can't lose weight. :cry: I haven't weighed in 2 weeks, and plan on weighing this Friday. If I haven't lost anything I am going to just GIVE UP!!!!!!!!! :sad: I am not going to stop working out, because it is something I have done for the past 10 years and will do for the rest of my life, but as far as…
High Protein, Low Sodium Foods
:noway: I need some help. Can everyone please help me out by giving me a list of some low sodium high protein foods to eat for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks? Thanks in advance :smile:
Over on sugar due to fruit??
If you are over on your sugar, that is consumed from fruit, is that still bad?
Most Accurate Heart Rate Monitors
I am looking to buy a new heart rate monitor, and want to know which brand/model is the most accurate? Have you found that the cheaper models seem to be completely off?
For all the runners out there - Earbud question
Does anyone know if there are any earbuds that exist that actually stay in your ear while running? I have to run 13 miles in a week and I am sick of my earbuds falling out of my ear. I have tried every type out there it seems......in the ear, around the hear, and nothing stays in properly. Please let me know so that I can…
Treadmill in upstairs apartment
I am thinking about purchasing a treadmill but I live on the 2nd floor. Does anyone know if this will be a problem for the neighbor below me? Thanks in advance for your help!
Being sick and working out - Cold Remedies
For the last two days I have been coming down with a cold and I feel terrible. Does anyone out there have any home remedies to get over a cold ASAP? Also how do you feel about working out with a cold? My symptoms are fever, headache, running nose, and sore throat.
Runners - I need your help
I have a run (Jail Break) on Saturday 9/17/11, and I need to know if anyone knows of a creme that will numb my foot long enough to make it through the run. I got a nai stuck in my foot a week ago and it hurts everytime I put pressure on it, but I refuse to back out. Please help me out! :cry:
Is it better to work out in the morning or afternoon?
Should breakfast be the biggest meal of the day? Is it best to work out in the morning? Afternoon? 1/2 in the morning, 1/2 in the afternoon? Please let me know what has worked best for you, because I need to try something different.
Question about eating then working out or vice versa
Is it better to workout first then eat dinner? Or eat, let food settle and then workout? Also is it safe to drink coffee before a workout?
Day 2 on Fitness Pal - I need ADVICE PLEASE!
Hello Everyone. Today is day 2 for me on this site. It is my last resort. If anyone can give me ideas/advice/suggestions on how someone who is already active and not overweight can loose 10-20 pounds, please let me know. I work out already 5-6 days a week and I generally already eat healthy Mon-Fri, and I do eat what I…