Gym and Personal Trainer Pressure!
Hello! I just recently joined a new gym and am super excited to get back on track and lose even more weight in the new year. I love the gym so far, but I feel like I am being pushed and bullied sorta by the trainers there. I had one training session free with my membership, but they are pressuring into me signing a year…
Anyone on WW online?
I just switched from the meetings to online. I started to do it on my own and only use MFP but I do like the Online WW because I think it helps me keep up with my points better than writing them down. I do love their articles, recipes, and tips but I do not like their community as much though since MFP community seems to…
27 lbs down! 40 to go! My First Success Post With Pics
This is my first success post and even though I am about half way to my goal, I finally got the courage to post here. I started back in Late September at my heaviest, 210lbs. I had spent the last couple of years emotional eating through stress, grief over loss of my family, and depression and finally decided I needed to…
How are you preparing for Christmas and New Years?
Only a month ago we were all worrying about Thanksgiving and preparing to eat our favorite Traditional foods. Now, Christmas is upon us and New Years. How are you preparing this year to stay on plan?? Hope everyone is still around! This board has been quieter lately!
Do you use your weeklies?
Hi Everyone, Just thought I'd ask, do you guys use all of your weekly extra 49 points? I was using most of them (spreading them out over the week) since I started but I was finding my weight loss has been very slow. I was hoping for at least 1.5 - 2lbs but I've been averaging more like .8-1lb per week. I read in a recent…
How are you preparing for Thanksgiving??
We all know that the holidays is a stressful time anyway, but when you are on a weight loss program, it is even MORE stressful. How are you preparing for tomorrow and this weekend? What are your concerns about your control and the "pushers" who mean well but keep wanting you to eat! I found out that my sister in law is…
Weigh-In Day Rituals?
Hey guys, First off, when do you weigh in? I weigh in on Mondays. I feel like it puts me on track for the week since points start over that day. Also, do you have any weigh-in day rituals? Such as eating the same type of food, wearing the same type of clothes when you get on that scale? Also, do you work out the day of or…
Mini Milestones Symbol Ideas or Experience???
Hi! I am doing both MFP and Weight Watchers and have recently lost my first 5 pounds. Last week we learned about celebrating the mini goals and in the WW Weekly there was an article about someone who would buy a new charm to put on a bracelet for every 5 lbs to signify her journey. Another woman would put a dollar in her…
Anyone have any experience with the Biggest Loser Weight Los
Hey! I started 30DS but some nights it seems to intense for me to do. I figured I need to start working my way up since I recently just started my weight loss journey and am out of shape. So I bought 2 DVDs tonight on Amazon - The Biggest Loser Weight Loss Yoga and The Biggest Loser Power Walk. I got both for less than $15…
Upcoming Fall TV Season - What shows are you looking forward
Hey! So I decided to go off topic a bit. Even though I am getting over my "couch potato" lifestyle, I still enjoy good tv and am SO THANKFUL for my DVR! I love with the new fall seasons start and there are fresh shows for entertainment. So my question is.. What shows (old and new) are you looking forward to returning this…
New to the site! My Journey to Emotional and Physical health
Though I am not new to dieting, I am new to this site. The past few years has been a rollercoaster of changes in my life and my body has suffered. In the past 5 years I have lost almost my entire immediate family to either long illness or sudden death. I lost my grandfather in 2005, I lost my brother-in-law and my dad who…