healthy/protein/meal replacement shakes
I am just getting back into working out. Breakfast is hardest for me and I do better with shakes or smooties. What is a quick but yummy protein or meal replacement shake?
Herbalife, Advocare, or Beachbody?
Let me start by saying if you sell these I would rather hear opinions from customers. Not to be rude but consultants have a reason to push a certain one. What do you like best taste wise? What seems to be the beat for a breakfast shake?
Can I reset my profile?
I just came back to MFP after a about a year break. Is there a way to reset my profile so I don't see previous loss. I want to focus on current loss.
How to strengthen my knee?
I found out last year the tendons in my knee don't hold my knee cap in place like they should so I have knee problems. Physical therapy was helping but I lost my insurance. I wear a knee brace when I work out but wondering how to make it stronger. I can only do the elliptical about 8 minutes slow and I worked up to that.…
Workout rash
Some days when I work out I break out in like a rash on my tummy and sometimes upper thighs. It goes away in an hour so. Sometimes it happens while I work out and sometimes a hours later. I always shower right after and wear fresh gym clothes. Any ideas?
Wine after working Some
Some days like today I have little time and little appetite. After work outs burning 500 calories band already being under goal in plan to eat but I've never been able to eat a ton at one time. Since In work put mainly at night is it bad to end the night with a glass of wine after working out with my meal?
Quick easy under 300 cal with pre boiled Im
I'm boiling some chicken breasts (maybe bake) and looking for quick easy ideas. Right now I mix with corn, salsa, and black beans . I also mix with parmasean cheese and spaghetti sauce. What else TIA
How much water do you drink everyday?
I dont like tea or coffee and havent had soda in over a year so I drink ONLY water. I wasnt drinking that much but now I drink atleast one 72oz jug a day. Is it enough? Some days I feel like Im floating. How much water do you drink a day?
Looking for friends that will kick me in the butt!
I would love to have some people on my friends list that will kick me in the butt to do better and that when I do do good (still taking baby steps) will encourage it. Real life has very little of that for me. Looking for genders, any age, any goal, any size.
App to use on treadmill
I'm going to the gym but some days I can't. I was given an old treadmill with multiple speeds. Problem is the speed is controlled by a little lever but the electronic part that shows your speed doesn't work. Is there an android app that can help you figure it out? I know there are running apps but I figured since the…
Protein and/or weightloss shakes opinions and ideas
I am not normally a breakfast person but I don't mind a healthy shake. Problem is I am not sure the difference in a protein shake and weightloss shake? Can someone help me? Also, if you use them which ones do you use. Please don't tell me to cook a healthy breakfast I am a single mom who has to get kids ready for school…
Eating to much protien?
I am just starting up (again). I am eating to much protein according to MFP. Is this bad or going to curb my weightloss? How much do you eat and how did you get that number? Can I change the pre-programmed amount?
Protein, Fat, Carbs %
Do you keep yours the same as MFP suugest? Why or why not? Can I change what they have set? How? TIA
How quickly did you start seeing weight drop?
How quickly did everyone start loosing weight? Like 5lbs or more?
Way to many left over calories. What to do?
Some days like today I am just not hungry and being busy with kids I forget to eat. I get 1200 calories a day. After eating and working out I had like 600 calories left.. Should I eat more that night to make sure I take in at least 1200 calories each day?
Cheese. Please help going shopping in a few minutes
I must have cheese. just starting off I can cut down but not out. I really like it with turkey on sand which thins. which cheeses are best eat when losing weight and why? I will get deli cheese and get sliced as thin as possible.
Help! Im not suppose to cut out sodium!
Ok I dont add salt to my food as it is but my doc doesnt want me cutting out to much sodium. I'm cursed with low blood pressure (just as bad as high but no way to treat it). Since sodium helps keep it up I'm not allowed to cut out to much of it. Any ideas on how not to retain the water. ANyone else with this?
Help with exercising with bad knee.
I hurt my knee a year ago, did physical therapy and no help. I need surgery but have no insurance so not an option. I am just starting to work out again and want some tips to help strengthen my knee. Please don't tell me to get a trainer because as a single mom of three kids I can't afford one. TIA