I only have 14 pounds 1 stone to lose. 7 lbs due to medication and 7 lbs due to over eating and not exercising. Does anyone have the same to lose that can help me with motivation.
I have been on citalopram sice Nov 2012 so 6 months for anxiety and panic. I have put in half a stone around my waist and boobs. I feel bloated all the time. Has anyone else put weight on with ads and how did you kick start to lose it. I am 5 ft 2 so half a stone looks a lot
So my brother called over yesterday. We are very close and he always says it as it is. I was sitting in the garden and just mentioned that I felt a bit podgy. He said yeah you ave put weight on haven't you. It's on your bum. And your boobs. I couldn't concentrate on anything else all day. Haha. He didn't say it in a nasty…
I am 5 ft 2 female 46 years old and have 10-14 lbs to lose. The problem is I can disguise the weight quite well. I am still getting away with wearing the same clothes. I put on weight evenly over my body. Boobies are definitely bigger. I talk a great diet. I know what I need to do but I just can't seem to stick at it. I…