been off LC for 2 months
Yes my weight has gone up 4 lbs over last couple months, not too bad but I don't want it to continue. I have a lady at my gym who was my role model and got off carbs, lost 160 lbs and has gained 50 of it back! Oh my. I want to have fruit and bread some if possible. I have been having it every day so now I try to do it once…
lc jumpstart, then return to eating everything in moderation
I got my weight down thru low carb in about 4 months, 30 pounds and now trying to eat everything so I can have my fruits, bread and pasta. I have been doing good for about a month. Anyone else go off lc after getting weight down? I can always go back to lowering carbs if weight goes up.
any one get sick after losing weight?
Just lost 35 lbs since July and now I feel nauseated, could be a virus this week, threw up twice or the same thing happened to me when I did weight watchers and lost weight. I am eating a bit more just to try and feel good. Trying to balance all this out.
how to not gain weight on vacation?
I did not want to gain weight on vacation but come back 3 pounds heavier. I have learned from my mistakes. I went TOO LONG in between meals and was starved before I went to restaurant. I should have eaten a snack before. I think I got into CELEBRATING eating, not wanting the happy to end so be mindful. I usually DRINK tea…
got sick, taking a diet break
10 years ago I did ww and got sick throwing up when I got my weight down, I am sure too low. This week I got sick like that again after doing low carb since July. It worked great for me but this week I got a stomach bug or my weight is down too low (I get carried away). I have been eating more and if I gain a few pounds…
what mindset or tips have made you be successful in losing weight?
I had to make up my mind to quit night eating and drink water. I remind myself you will just wake up and feel sad and disappointed when you step on the scales when I want to overeat. I eat a lot of halfs now, half a sandwich, half French fries, etc.
realize you are losing too much weight
I planned to go down to 160 but got excited and got down to 150 lb which is too less for me. I know when I did ww I got down too low and felt sickly. This time I did low carb and lost 30 lbs since July. Now I have got to gain 7-10 pounds back and not go overboard. Trying to find some balance, anyone relate ? I love fitting…
what is a zoodle, heard some of ya eat this, zucchini noodles? Is it frozen or in a package like noodles?
been lc for about 6mo., lost 30 lbs, very happy with it. My church has potlucks a lot, what do you gravitate toward, I am kind of slim on snacks, get tired of pepperoni, eggs,cheese. I know go toward meat and salads, any other ideas appreciated. Any snack foods appreciated? Anything I can make, don't cook much, over 3…
need lc foods
doing this since july, kind of getting tired of same foods even though proud I lost 30 lbs. I eat pepperoni, cheese,eggs,bacon,sausage, chicken,meat,salad,tuna,soup, and thank goodness found rice cauliflower here lately I love. What else do ya eat, no more than 3 ingredients when I cook, like it simple. I love to snack.…
keeping weight off when no longer doing physical job?
My hubby and I were discussing why it is so much harder for him to lose weight than it has been for me. We are both eating about the same. He use to work in a furniture plant and at a grocery store and now on the bus where he sits all the time. He use to could eat whatever he wanted and stay slim. It is like he cannot lose…
changing goal weight
WW says for me to weigh 145. I weigh 157 and my weight loss has stopped last couple of months. Maybe this is what I am suppose to weigh. Or maybe summertime I can lose a few more pounds. Do you think your weight stalls when you get to what you should weigh? I am fine with my weight in 150's, geez I use to be 208. I also…
foods you dont mess with or lose control
I just bought sea salt peanuts and oh my, thought they were healthy but I could not control myself, those things were too good. I was thinking about Xmas foods like scallopped potatoes, macaroni and cheese,broccoli casserole, all with lots of carbs so I was leaving them alone now but peanuts are healthy but not for me it…
anyone else have a hard time dealing with retirement?
I am not overeating and the feelings are coming up. I am still working part time and may have to do this for the rest of my life for emotional reasons. I get so bored, restless. I am off work for a month right now because I work for the school part time and they start back end of August. I guess I have the A personality.…
need hot dishes in this cold snowy weather
found summer sausage on this site, great idea. I am low carb so hot cabbage has been great, any other ideas appreciated. The snow is a trigger for me but so far doing low carb i am not so hungry so need some food ideas, snacks, hot foods, etc.
emotional aspect of all this
anyone figured out why you overeat? I just recently lost 30 lbs and notice I feel pain now. I never felt pain much before, distracted myself with food and was happy but then I would never deal with stuff. I have more self esteem now, realize when I am disrespected or being taken advantage of. It is like when I ate I didnt…
anyone else overeat when sick?
I have had this terrible cold for 7 days and of course I want to run to food to feel better. All it does is make me feel guilty and disappoined. I recently lost 30 lbs and dont want to sabotage. I have been going to hard candy and those calories can add up. I went tonight and got some 5 calorie vitamin c drops so I dont do…
weight plateau
scale has not moved in a couple of weeks, lost 17 lbs with 17 to go, any suggestions would be appreciated.
I have lost 25 pounds since July 4 when I got serious. I need to lose 5-10 more pounds but I feel stuck. Been a few weeks and no weight loss. I started doing difference exercises at the gym, gave up diet coke, tried low carb again. Maybe I need patience, I dont know. How have ya broke thru your plateau?
what do ya do about constipation?
I have been low carb for about a month now but am having constipation, I bought me some bran cereal yesterday to see if that would help? Any suggestions?
anyone do low carb on and off for a lifestyle change
I lost 20 lbs since July and the weight came off fast and then I wanted beans,oatmeal, cereal, potatoes, etc. So I watched my portion size and lost a few pounds very very slow. I am discouraged now with weight coming off so slowly so this week got back on low carb and lost 2 lbs quickly. Thinking about low carb for 2 weeks…
what to eat in cooler weather?
ok I am new to low carb, thinking about what I will eat when cold weather comes, just realized beans have a lot of carbs. Meat and salads, cheddar cheese. Maybe some chili without beans? what other warm food is low carb? I am down 17 lbs and have another 17 to go so don't want to mess this up.
what cerael do you eat and are those mission wraps say 4 carbs but come up 19 when logged in mfp
I have been eating cheerios but would like to know of some other low carb cereal. Also miss bread, got some low carb wraps that say 4 carbs on front but are listed as 19, they use some kind of subtraction on package for fiber making it 4 carbs, don't understand this. Anyway, this is my two questions. Been doing this for…
thinking of going back to low carb
was doing good, got flu back in January, ate bread, peanut butter crackers to settle my stomach. 4 months later I am still eating bread and stuff so I am going to try this low carb stuff again, it was helping me, is this what works for ya?
need some retirement friends,please friend me
would like some friends getting ready to retire or have successfully done it. I am 64
would like to have some retirement friends
I am 64, would like some retirement friends so friend me.
would like to have some retirement friends
friend me so I can have some 55 or older retirement friends.
thinking about going low carb, anyone do this?
I lost 40 lbs 4 years ago,gained 10 back, would like to lose this, I did a 17 day diet a long time ago, like the adkins diet. Read people who ate low carb didn't get as hungry. So maybe it is time to shake it up a bit. I hate giving up bread but maybe it will give me a start in right direction.
starting to do some low carb
Lost 40 lbs 4 years ago, gained back 10, playing around with 7-10 lbs so this week I decided to switch it up a bit, doing meat, veggies, salad. The cravings seem less. Anyone else do low carb?