Anyone deal with Ischial Bursitis? Tips on getting over it NEEDED!
Have been dealing with both trochanteric and Ischial bursitis now for going on 4 months. Brief history....started bothering me about 4 months ago. After 6 weeks it was getting pretty bad, after another 2 weeks I saw the Dr. 2 weeks of prednisone kicked the trochanteric bursitis, helped the Ischial some, but it was still…
Home in a blizzard & trying not to eat comfort foods
Help, stuck home today, no gym as Massachusetts currently has a state of emergency and a travel ban. It's cold and nasty and all I want to do is eat warm comfort foods. How do you handle this? I've had multiple cups of coffee and am chewing gum like the is in tomorrow, but really want some homemade mac and cheese!
How to talk to those who think I have lost enough and am getting too thin
First let me start by saying I am not TOO thin. I am 5'6.5" tall and weigh 170. My goal is 150. I am a size 12, almost in a 10. I am a BIG girl with big bones(really) and very broad shoulders. My problem is so many people have told me I need to stop losing now, it's enough. I am getting too thin. They refuse to believe me…
Putting food genie back in bottle after 10 day vacation!
So I am hoping to gets some tips on how to go back to a more restrictive manner of eating after spending time on a vacation. I went to Caribbean for 10 days, and although I didn't go off the rails completely I ate substantially more than I have been for the last year. I didn't log for the vacation and I do not regret a…
Throw out the too big clothes or no?
I am having a disagreement with my best friend. I have lost a total of 44 pounds (40 more to go) and have a tote full of clothing that no longer fits. Some is big, some really big. She wants me to donate it all, I want to hang on to just in case. I have lost almost 100 pounds twice and regained. Lost between 30 and 50…
Celebrating NOT being Obese!
The scale just hit the number that puts me in the overweight category. I never thought I'd be celebrating being fat but I am!! (Not going to have cake though!) It took me 14 weeks to go from obese to overweight.
Anyone else find 10 pound loss does NOT = 1 Size Down
All over magazines, the Internet, talk shows everyone talks about how 10 pound loss is equivalent to dropping a dress size. I can only imagine it is when people only have maybe 10-20 pounds to lose. I have lost 44 and am only down 1 size. I have dropped 15 + pounds size since hitting this size, and am still a 16. I don't…