I started a One A Day multi vitamin today and within 10minutes I felt light headed. (ate a bagel with cream cheese prior to) I researched on Google and found one doctor state this is normal because your body is getting rid of toxins and adjusting to the pill. Another doctor wrote you shouldn't have this happening. Has…
some warm indoor exercises for all of us in freezing temps
http://www.self.com/blogs/flash/2012/01/the-best-its-freezing-outside.html: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: Jan 12 Fitness by Bari Lieberman at 12:47 PM The Best Indoor Workout Classes (because it's freezing outside!) There are lots (and I mean lots) of reasons why my motivation to work out during the winter plummets. From…
Myfitnesspal and fitbit are the new fad
Great and interesting artivle: http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/ezra-klein/post/internet-killed-the-dieting-star-why-weight-watchers-is-floundering/2013/08/04/9755093e-fd3a-11e2-8294-0ee5075b840d_blog.html?wpmk=MK0000205
Green Smoothies
I had my first today and experienced a headache (still have it). I have been reading my intently about what they do and don't do and thought others may like to learn to. http://holisticsquid.com/are-green-smoothies-good-for-you/ What’s all the hype about green smoothies? It’s amazing that so much controversy can be stirred…
Weighted walking vest
Has anyone used them? The benefits seem like a win win all around: A weighted vest makes walking more demanding by placing a greater than normal load on your muscles. This results in an increased calorific expenditure. Walking while wearing a weighted vest may lead to a greater weight loss providing you are following a…
Sleep-deprived people eat 300 more calories a day
This explains so much: Sleep-deprived people eat 300 more calories a day By Nanci Hellmich, USA TODAY Updated 3/23/2011 3:19 PM When people are sleep-deprived, they eat almost 300 calories a day more than when they are well-rested. And ice cream is one of their favorite foods to eat when they're tired, a new study shows.…
Does it work underground in subways or in parking garages? (does it need constant GPS reception to work?)
Halfway Mark!
So excited when I jumped on the scale this morning! Thank you for all the support. Down 23.6 lbs and 17.25 inches.
Superfood: Cherries
Superfood: Cherries by Caitlin Covington · We’re not talking about the candied red cherries that adorn ice cream sundaes and cocktails (sorry Old Fashioned lovers). Their healthier counterparts found in the produce section can have some serious benefits! Natural cherries are stone fruits, close relatives of plums and…
Just 30 Day Shred?
Do you do the 30 day shred only? Or another workout as well? Is it okay to to combine or should I focus on one thing?
Thank goodness I pre-measure and leave the bag at home or I would eat the whole 5 lb bag in one sitting. Love Almonds!!!
Cardio Tennis
Have you ever heard of it or done it? It is a new group activity featuring dynamic drills to give players of all abilities an ultimate high energy workout. If you are looking for a great new way to get in shape and improve your tennis game, then Cardio Tennis is must! I saw it available near me on a Groupon and I am…
I just changed my tracking and took the sugars off my daily 5 choices. I go over everyday by 10 or so and everything I am eating is dairy or fruit, periodically grains (but they are whole grains). I decided stressing over natural sugars would not help me. Good or bad idea?
Which brand do you eat? I usually get Stacy's but decided to try New York Style today. The New York style are thin and smaller. Not sure how I feel about this.
XBOX Kinect
How do you log time on the Kinect?
Do you put everything into your tracker in the morning so you have your day planned out? or do you log it as you go?
So I have increased my exercise the past 3 days and was dead tired last night. I fell asleep at 9:30pm and by 2:30 I was awake. It took me 45 minutes to get to sleep and then was up at 4, 5, and 6. (usually go to bed around 11:30 or 12:00 and get up around 6am - maybe waking up twice to pee). Is this because of the change…
Water Intake
Do you usually meet your daily water intake by dinner? sooner or later? Are you drinking just water or do you have something like Crystal Light in your water?
Wanting sweets even when full...
I am full and in no need of food but my taste buds want something sweet and hardy candies are not working. DO you have this problem? Do you have any ideas of how to curb this?