Impatience is probably the biggest issue in weight loss. The question to yourself of, "I have been dieting and exercising hard for a long time, why won't this fat just go away." It is just to frustrating.
This past week I got very frustrated with not loosing any weight/fat. I kept my calorie count down and continued my cardio and weight training regularly, but was still getting nowhere. I started doing a lot of research on the internet and articles about the Zig Zag or Calorie shifting diet. Basically you continually change…
I know chicken breasts are about the best food to fit into this calorie, but I am looking to add a little variety. I have thought about tuna, salmon and other fish related food but they are all high in sodium. Can anyone else provide me with some ideas to fill this category?
Are you interested in really loosing some fat? Try looking into HIIT or Tabata training. I understand it will seriously kick your butt, but it is the most efficient way to burn fat without loosing muscle. Anyone else trying this?