Anyone watching Heavy on A&E?
Ok I am watching this show has me balling like a baby tonight watching these women go throught their weightloss journey. I am such a baby LOL
Found this on another site I use. "Eat-Stop eating"
OK I am not endorsing this, I am posting this to ask you weightloss gurus if you have heard of this. Still new so not sure how to put something in quotes *****************************************************************************************************…
Do you really think you are eating real blueberries?
http://naturalnews.tv/v.asp?v=7EC06D27B1A945BE85E7DA8483025962 Hi all, I am a major fan of truth in advertising particularly when it comes to the food we eat. I came across this video that explains exactly what "Blueberry Bits" are. So I hope you have not had breakfast yet, You might not want that Blueberry muffin after…
Been here over a week I guess I better say Hello
Ok in my defense the other day I wrote and awesome intro letter. then my PC crashed and I lost it, so I decided I am just not going to leave an intro. But I like to do the proper thing, and there is nothing greater in life than a proper hello. :) So here's my tale of weight woe. I was raised on Junk Food, Mcdonald's,…
Oh where of where has my Appetite gone????
I have been on track all week, then yesterday, I went through the entire day until 3pm before I realized I had not eaten a thing and I wasn't even hungry. Today I am being more mindful about eating, but I am not hungry at all. Is this normal? LOL
Modified Push-ups?
I wanted to include the 10 push ups I did during my Zumba Class today However, push-ups is not in the database. So I was wondering would it be accurate to list the weight I lifted as half my body weight? For me that would be 94 pounds Please chime in thanks!