Found this on another site I use. "Eat-Stop eating"

BlkOnyx488 Posts: 35
edited September 23 in Health and Weight Loss
OK I am not endorsing this, I am posting this to ask you weightloss gurus if you have heard of this.

Still new so not sure how to put something in quotes


All you do is fast for 1-2 24hr periods in a week. Science has shown that, in contrast to long term low calories, the metabolism doesn't slow down until 72hrs of fasting. In fact, it switches over to burning fat as the body was designed to do (the whole reason we have fat). As long as the muscle is exercised on a regular basis, it won't be sacrificed. This way, you create a calorie deficit of up to half a pound in a dieting period (more with exercise) and most of what's lost will be fat. This is basically a summary of the e-book, which is based on sound scientific principles.

As some of you know, I was on a plateau for a while, and feeling blah from eating 5 meal a day to boost my metabolism. So, I decided to try it. I am SHOCKED by the results so far, and only part of it was weight loss:

- In 2 weeks I have lost 4lbs (only counting 3 on my calorie counter cause it seems to good to be true) and almost 1% fat
- I found it really freeing to have 2 days a week where I don't have to pack a lunch or worry what to eat
- When I'm fasting I don't find any food tempting, especially bad food, cause I know I won't feel good if I break my fast with THAT
- Having declined bad foods and big portions during fasting has made my self-control/will-power go through the roof!!!
- Being in a fasting mode gave me an opportunity to drink tons of water
- I felt true hunger, but learned to overcome it. I find only get hungry every once in a while, and I can feel when my body is using fat cause I'm just not hungry
- Shockingly, I BURST with energy during my fasting period (feels like kombacha), and work out 2X a day with great intensity
- I actually look forward to my fasts so far (have only done 3)

How you can do it:

- Just pick ANY 24hr period to drink only calorie free liquids (mainly water but tea, some crystal light, and occasional soda are ok too).
- After you end the fast, act LIKE IT NEVER HAPPENED and eat normally (no reward feast)
- Eat regularly the rest of the week
- Do strength training for at eat 20minutes 3X a week to preserve muscle (I also did extra cardio on fasting day to burn a little ore fat)
- Can go up to 2 24hr fasts a week, they recommend starting with one; but I felt so great I ended up doing 2 my first week.

The first time I did it I took hot-rox to suppress my appetite and enhance metabolism, it seems to not matter whether you do or not, though I think I will keep it in one fat per week since it amps up metabolism

I think it's worth trying unless you are an insulin-dependent diabetic (pill dependents can just skip their pill that day) or pregnant.

Anyway, just had to share!


  • Caper88
    Caper88 Posts: 418 Member
    Am I reading this right. Your saying you lost 4lbs in a week by not eating for 24hrs? or you were losing 4lbs a week and want to know if you will lose if you stop eating for 24hrs?
  • The person who posted this is saying that. I will put it in quotes so it makes more since. What will be in quotes is not my words :)
    Am I reading this right. Your saying you lost 4lbs in a week by not eating for 24hrs? or you were losing 4lbs a week and want to know if you will lose if you stop eating for 24hrs?
  • Caper88
    Caper88 Posts: 418 Member
    I have never heard of anyone trying it. I don't think you go into starvation mode right away so maybe the idea is you burn off all the calories you can before you hit starvation mode. It seems it would be a difficult to keep any weight off after you start eating again. Honestly I have no idea if it would work or not.
  • scagneti
    scagneti Posts: 707 Member
    There is a thread on MFP about ESE from several people who swear by it. I'm fascinated by it and think it could be useful to help determine "hunger" from "boredom" and to break a plateau. In fact, when I do plateau, I'm thinking of using ESE to break it, but so far what I'm doing has been working.
  • Caper88
    Caper88 Posts: 418 Member
    Bump. Curious to know what other people think
  • punkrawkcutie
    punkrawkcutie Posts: 439 Member
  • jewelzz
    jewelzz Posts: 326 Member
    people fast all the time for various reasons,I dont know if I could though.When I go for long periods of time w/o eating
    I feel really crappy and tired.
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