Anyone here doing Paris-Versailles this year?
Form check request! Squats and OHP
Welp! I finally got around to trying to take some videos to ask you awesome ladies for a form check. Here are my squats from the side, front, and back. My apologies about the crotch/butt angles, I was pretty mortified when I saw the view. Hopefully they are at least useful angles for form checking. :/…
OHP question: Pressure on spine?
Hi all, sorry if this question has already been asked repeatedly (there isn't a group thread search feature, is there??), but I figured I'd better check if this was normal... When I do an overhead press, when the bar is around face level, I tend to lean back with my upper body. By the time the bar gets overheadish, I…
Quelqu'un ici va participer ? Si oui, comment va ton entraînement ? J'ai commencé la course à pied il y a pas longtemps et je suis seulement à 10 km actuellement. Il me reste qu'un mois et demi pour arriver à 16 km !
Have you ever actually gotten stuck during a squat?
As I was nearing the end of my squat sets today, I was wondering if I would have to use the safety pins in the squat rack one day, and if that would be pretty commonplace or a rare "shameful" incident... Have you gals ever had to bail? If so, how often has that happened?
Salut à tous, Je ne suis pas française, mais j'habite en France depuis un moment. J'aurai éventuellement des questions sur la traduction des nourritures. (Par exemple, quelqu'un a vu l'équivalent de "steel cut oats" en France ? J'imagine ça s'appellerait "avoine découpée" ou similaire, mais je n'ai jamais vu un tel produit…
When starting, did warm up sets wear you out?
Hi all, I have just completed my first real A/B cycle of Stronglifts, and am up to a whopping 27.5kg (haha) for squats on my next workout-- I jumped up to 25kg on the second day cause I couldn't find a second 1.25kg plate. I imagine that doing 2x5 empty bar would be pretty taxing on my working 5x5 sets since I have barely…
Midfoot bump in Merrell Road Gloves
Does anyone else use Merrell Road Gloves? I ordered mine online based on the great reviews (and the fact that I couldn't find women's Vapor Gloves anywhere), and I was aware that there was a weird midfoot bump. I have flat feet, and for me, the bump feels HUGE and actually throws off my weight distribution when I am…
TMTS'd. D'oh!
Well, it had to happen eventually, I got my Xero Shoes and got such a thrill running the 2km to the track that I didn't want to stop. Continued another 2K before...uhoh...soreness in my achilles. I knew it wasn't a good sign if I felt the pain already DURING running, because usually it's only after stopping that injuries…
Will there always be this much soreness?
Hey all, So I had managed to make it all the way through Workout A with the 20kg barbell three days ago, but the squats really cooked my quads. I am hobbling down stairs like an old lady. Hehe. I think I need to give it another few days to recover, as even trying to flex my quads is grimace-worthy. I am not sure if this is…
Form checking?
Hello all, I am testing out a gym tonight for the first time in....ever, really.... I am 3 weeks from the end of P90X and really want to make Stronglifts my next fitness step. I was just wondering if many/most of you work out alone, and if so, how do you handle form checking? I have watched a LOT of videos on proper form…
Steel cut oats?
In my area, I have managed to find avoine décortiquée, aka whole grain oat groats at Naturalia, but nothing in between that and rolled oats. I don't mind the groats, but they take longer to cook. When we were in Marseille, there was a Super U in the neighbourhood where we were staying and they had steel cut oats, but so…
Where do you eat breakfast between gym and work?
I've never really gone to a gym as a routine before in my life. I would like to try out lifting, and as I cannot do so at home, I need to get myself enrolled at a gym. My current routine involves having a protein shake then working out early in the morning, with cooking and eating my full breakfast after. If I have to…
Post-P90X maintenance
Hi all, Now that I am finishing up my second recovery week (week 8), I am certain that I will not only survive P90X, but explode through the finish line with more energy and motivation than I entered with. Not wanting to have a gap after I finish the last 4 weeks, I am already starting to research next step options to…
Technicalities of deficit with no scale change?
Hello, I'd like to start off by saying that I am thrilled with the results I've been getting on the nutrition and body change fronts. Couldn't be happier there. This question is out of pure curiosity as to what is physically happening to my body on an ongoing basis as I continue to eat on a slight calorie deficit, while…