Stevia is the worst thing ever It tastes overly sickly sweet and then has a horrible bitter aftertaste BLECH
What do you get at Chipotle?
I get a burrito bowl with chicken, mild salsa, guac, and lettuce (and if I'm feeling indulgent, some cheese too)
Can you eat too much fiber?
Is 80g too much? Will excess fiber cause gastrointestinal discomfort?
Is heavy cream a healthy source of fats?
I find it difficult to eat enough fat, so I will put cream on my strawberries. Is this a healthy source of fat, or should I consume something like coconut oil instead?
What is the most calories you've ever eaten in a day?
For me...3,500
Baked Quest Bar
- Bake your Quest bar at 350 degrees for 5-6 minutes. It will be browned & crunchy at the bottom, crunchy at the top, and moist in the middle.
What is your favorite flavor of Quest bar?
I love the chocolate brownie ones. They are scrumptious. They taste exactly like those crappy yet delicious brownie bites.
What is your favorite protein powder?
Right now I have the Biogenesis chocolate one and I like it but it tastes a bit funky, what is your favorite protein powder? I am looking to try new ones. So far I have tried the MRM Dutch chocolate one. NASTY!!! Didn't taste like chocolate at all and was so overly sweet and had a horrible aftertaste. Bleurgh.
Frozen chocolate banana yoghurt
I had another yoghurt brainwave - 150g yoghurt (I use Siggi's Vanilla skyr) (100cal) - 100g frozen banana (89 cal) - 1 packet of diet Swiss Miss hot chocolate (25 cal) Total: 214 cal Mix the yoghurt and hot chocolate powder together Put the banana in the food processor and blend until it's smooth and creamy Fold the banana…
Specific foods do NOT make you gain weight
You will not get fat from eating a banana You will not get fat from eating fried chicken You will not get fat from eating ice cream You will get fat from eating too much of any food. The end.
A rather inelegant topic...
Does anyone else find that fish makes their urine smell?
Frozen chocolate peanut butter yogurt
I CAME UP WITH THE IDEA FOR THIS IN THE CAR AND FELT LIKE A GENIUS I mixed half a cup of nonfat Fage with 24g of powdered peanut butter Then I mixed another half cup of Fage with 24g of chocolate protein powder Then I swirled them together just a little bit so that they weren't mixed together Then I froze it until it was…
Is anyone else addicted to protein bars?
I am absolutely addicted to protein bars. I love them so much. I love Larabars, Kind bars, and Quest bars (they are my favorite). I actually prefer them to actual food, which is rather pathetic. I limit myself to 2 quest bars a day.
Skinny & flabby?
So I am 5'8 and my weight fluctuates between 118-122. I look skinny in my clothes but I have a bit of belly & thigh fat which I am not pleased with. How can I get rid of it?
Just had a ridiculous binge...
So I ate... 5 quest bars 3 cans of tuna 3 apples 1 can of sardines 16 chocolate truffles 100g chocolate bar HOW DO I RECOVER FROM THIS??? I want to die
What is your favorite food group?
Mine is...the protein group (if such a group exists) I absolutely love yoghurt and meats like tuna, salmon, and chicken, and I have an odd love of protein powders.
Hungry but nauseated?
So last night I was super hungry, and this morning I drank a pot of green tea and now I am so nauseated but I must still be hungry. I am actually unbearably nauseated. What do you eat when you feel like this?
What is the weirdest thing you have binged on?
For me...Greek yoghurt. I don't think that is normal to binge on.
Is it a binge if I was hungry?
Today I was ravenous and ate 2000 instead of my usual 1200 but I was hungry and I ate cherry tomatoes, broccoli, shrimp, greek yoghurt, avocado, and comte cheese. Does it still count as a binge if I ate that much but was actually hungry? Do I have to make up for it tomorrow?
Travelling with a food scale?
So I am going on a trip tomorrow, and I am going to bring my food scale. (I don't like to eat at restaurants because I don't know how many calories are in the food, and I have a phobia of germs so I don't like other people to prepare my food.) Do I need to take it out when I go through security? If I leave it in my bag…
I keep going over on sugar?
Every day I eat 200g of strawberries, and lately I have been eating around 300g of apples a day. (I also get a bit of sugar from plain Fage yoghurt and tomatoes) And I always go over on my sugar. Is this bad for me? Do I need to eat less fruit?
Is it bad to eat large amounts of Greek yoghurt?
I adore Greek yoghurt. I eat 3-4 cups a day...is that acceptable? (I usually eat Fage 0% plain with powdered peanut butter and berries, or when I am at school I eat Siggi's blueberry)
5'8 ladies, what is your goal weight?
Mine is 105 (but I have a very small frame)
Do teenagers need to eat more calories?
Does an 18 year old burn more calories than a 25 year old of the same height, weight, and activity level?
I just binged :(
So I was doing well today. I ate my 1200 calories of healthy food. Then I just now proceeded to eat: 3 Larabars (630 calories) A square of Vosges chocolate (63) 11 Moravian cookies (550) I feel like I have screwed up and totally lost it. I ate all my calories for tomorrow. Do I have to fast tomorrow?