Half Dome!
My husband and I climbed the Half Dome last Saturday! We weren't sure if we'd be able to get to the top...only because of how high the cables were. But we did it! I wasn't nervous at all. I am so proud of myself. We LOVED every second of this adventure. The entire day was beautiful. The scenery was breathtaking. The…
Hubby thinks I am too skinny...
So...my whole life I have struggled with my weight. I finally got it all off. I am so happy with my weight right now...But the other night, my hubby freaked out on me. He is worried about me because he thinks I am too skinny. I am a very boney person. I've always had boney arms and legs. I carried my weight around my chest…
Running Shoes...Help!
Any runners out there???? I am going to have to buy some new running shoes... The tops of my feet have been hurting when I wear my Nike's and I'm noticing that I'm getting some symptoms of shin splints. So, Im hoping that if I switch shoes....it'll fix that! I've been looking at barefoot runners. Merrell and Saucony are…
I've been doing a lot of running, cycling and hiking...but thought that I would try something new. I'm TERRIBLE with coordination and rhythm. Thought I would just ask around and see if anyone else who has no rhythm has had positive results with it?? Thanks for the feedback! :)
Before and After
Not sure what my heaviest weight was. I weighed myself at 145lbs at one point. But I think I got heavier than that. BEFORE: https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/485632_10151015258286217_46492448_n.jpg https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/411023_10151015267261217_1880625133_o.jpg AFTER:…