NSV - no more high blood pressure!
Had my annual with my doc on Friday and she was blown away! Without medication, my bp was 110/70...I haven't been this healthy in over 10 years and she took me off the blood pressure medication I've been taking for years! She actually even told me to slow down and take some more time to lose the last 10-15 lbs, rather than…
DDP Yoga
Anyone have any experience with this? I saw some great results with yoga previously and this is very intriguing to me. Has anyone tried this? Any feedback? I still have another 20-25 lbs to lose, but once I do, I was considering this program.
Alternative to squats
I used to LOVE to squat back in my more athletic days. However, I'm now a 34 year old who has had a total hip replacement. Can anyone recommend a good substitute?
Off track weekend
Very frustrated to step on the scale this am. A combination of a heavy new lifting program on Friday, coupled with about a 3 day backslide on eating has my weight all screwy! Here's hoping to see this as water retention weight!
NSV - wore horizontal stripes
Might not be a huge deal, but for the first time in years, I wore a shirt with horizontal stripes to work today. I've been terrified of this shirt for several years, as it is tight around my chest (man boobs) and makes things look wider. I wore it today and feel great in it!
Looking for lifting advice for guys
I've lost around 30 pounds since December, but have plateaued recently. I'm looking to lose another 20-25 lbs. I've just changed my workout plan and am looking for advice. I had been doing mainly cardio 4-5 days a week and am changing to a mix of cardio/lifting: Monday, chest and tris; Tuesday, elliptical, Wednesday, back…
NSV - Buying new clothes
First time posting here, as I'm still in process...I started back up with MFP in early December, then 30DS when I plateaued in mid-April. While on vacation last week, I hesitantly purchased a new pair of 36" waist shorts. I say hesitantly, as my pants and shorts have been 40" waist for almost 3 years now. Not only did the…