Muscle soreness
I lifted on Monday after a 4 week break. I knew I was gonna be sore. I gave myself a break by walking on the track yesterday and no lifting yesterday. After two days I am just as sore as yesterday. How can I lift again today and work through the soreness? I have been stretching each day too.
Day 6 on keto
Have only lost 1 pound (but really lost 3 lbs) but when I look in the mirror and see how my clothes fit, I know something is happening. I have been drinking a lot of water too. I did go through some parts of the keto flu. Day 2 was the headaches and brain fog and through out, just sleepiness and fatigue. I know I am still…
I am starting on the ketogenic diet doing 55/40/5 - fat, protein, and carb ratios. I am excited about it and got my groceries based on that idea. I tried some of it today and actually feel satisfied and don't have cravings. My friend did and lost a good amount of weight and is now at 8% body fat, he is a guy though and…
I am starting on the ketogenic diet doing 55/40/5 - fat, protein, and carb ratios. I am excited about it and got my groceries based on that idea. I tried some of it today and actually feel satisfied and don't have cravings. My friend did and lost a good amount of weight and is now at 8% body fat, he is a guy though and…
Body image
I think this topic is important especially for women to understand since it affects us a great deal. Speaking from experience and listening to other women in my life and on many boards, This is still an issue for most. We are still our own worst critic. Let me be clear, I am all for improving of oneself to be healthy and…
Lifting weights
I am sure this topic probably got lost in topic, but I think it is an important one especially for us women. After researching and taking physiology, anatomy and pathology classes, I found that weightlifting is very important for fat loss. I think the myth, using low weights and high reps to "tone" is true. It's a myth. It…
water retention
How do you guys break it? How long does it take to reduce it? I don't think I am consuming a lot of sodium. All I drink is water. I gained a pound, but I know it's water because I can feel the tightness in my fingers and feel bloated at times.