Is it better to do cardio to lose fat before strength training?
What I'm asking is should I be doing cardio and strength training at the same time? Or would it more beneficial to focus on cardio to lose weight and then focus on strength training and gaining muscle afterwards?
One of my biggest challenges is the thought of potentially wasting my time.
One of the challenges that I've always faced when it comes to weight loss and eating healthy is the possibility of doing something for a prolonged period of time only to find that it hasn't been working, haven't had any results and that I've wasted that time which could have been spent elsewhere. Has anyone else had this…
Couch To 5K, has anyone done it?
I'm going to start it tomorrow as I want to get into running and eventually do marathons. I'm using podcasts instead of apps but I wanted to see if anyone has done it and if they have, what do they think of it and if they have any tips or advice to do it correctly.
Critique My Keto Meal Plan?
Hi, So I'm having a hard time figuring out my meal plan for doing the keto diet, it's overwhelming. Basically I work from 2:00pm until 11:00pm so generally I'd rather get most of my daily foods in during the morning and at lunch, and have a small snack of some kind during work. I have no problem eating the same thing…
Lunch Smoothie Ideas
Hi, I'm wondering if anyone has any ideas for Lunch Smoothies, Breakfast and Lunch are currently my two biggest meals of the day and since I work 2pm-11pm during the week, I don't feel I need dinner if I can get my daily needs through breakfast and Lunch. At most I'll bring a small snack to work. Anyone have any delicious…
Is it ok to skip dinner?
Breakfast is normally my biggest meal of the day, followed closely by lunch. Never really been a big dinner eater. Is it ok to skip dinner or at least just have a small snack at dinner time if I already meet my daily calorie goals throughout the rest of the day? Is there any negative side effects of doing this?
Returning to MFP, hoping to finish the job!
Heyo, My name's Ryan, I've been here off and on over a couple of years and hope this time is the one that I finish the job! Just looking for some friends to support and benefit from their support throughout this journey to better myself. Hope you all are having a great day!
Is oatmeal an ideal breakfast to lose weight?
I absolutely love oatmeal and would eat it every day if it was the most beneficial to my weight loss compared to other breakfast foods. Is oatmeal a good meal to stick with for weight loss? Usually I do put in banana slices, blueberries, some cinnamon, honey and even some PB every once in awhile.
I'm feeling really discouraged lately.
I've just left a summer camp as I was working there, I believe I lost some weight there, 10 pounds maybe. But now that I am back in the city, I've lost motivation. It's not like I'm trying though either. I've bought good healthy foods for myself, and have gone running a few times. But I'm losing motivation to keep going.…
Back for a second try, hopefully I can do better this time
So I am returning to MFP for a second try at losing weight. Last summer I went from 225ish down to 205 while working at a camp. Kept it off until I went home for Christmas by biking a lot, gained 5 pounds at Christmas, returned to find my bike broken, and no local bike shops open until summer. And now I am back at 225. So…