Why is Zumba so popular?
Zumba in particular? Isn't it just like any other fitness dance class, or am I missing something crucial?
Waist/hip ratio
This might be a really stupid question, but if your waist/hip ratio is 0.7 or below, are you per definition "hourglass-shaped"? I keep seeing the two synonymous.
Best tips for ectomorphs?
Let me hear your best tips for someone who's long and lean and has difficulty bulking up any muscle. :) I'm female, if it matters. I eat well and plenty, do 8-10 reps rather than 15-20 and take as much weight as I physically can without compromising the technique. My workout consists mainly of strength training with free…
Kettlebell for n00bs?
Hi! Can anyone recommend some Kettlebell exercises for someone who's still got pretty weak arms? :D Thank you.
Aluminum free deodorant?
Hey. Eh, not sure where to put this, but can anyone recommend a really efficient aluminum free deodorant? Fanks guise.
Best way to meassure my progress?
So, basically I'm of a normal healthy weight, and not terribly out of shape, so I'm not necessarily looking to lose weight or even that many centimeters, I want to get stronger, fitter and more athletic - shape up and get a more sporty body. But how would you best keep track of my progress? I read those body fat % scales…