Well I have a hundred day streak going on MFP, I'm looking for some new Long Island friends
Hi everyone!! Im Ray and I grew up in Elmhurst Queens and now live in Baldwin, Long Island.
week # 2
Hi to everyone! Well, Im actually the same weight today that I was a week ago. That's because I went to a wedding on saturday night day 7 and I guess i ate a lot more than i thought. I did have a great time!!! But I didnt weigh myself till monday night because I wanted a day or two of dieting to try to lose some of that…
strength training and mfp
They dont allot any calories for strength training??
Recap of week #1
Good morning to all on this rainy saturday morning on Long Island, New York!! Well I'm finished with week one and am feeling good and very sore!! Yesterday I did squats for the first time in a while and I'm feeling it today. My legs were sore from Mondays lower body workout already, and now Im having trouble tying my…
after work out shakes
Im looking for some suggestions for a good recovery shake at a good price. Any help is appreciated
small progress
Today is one week for me. I believe I did fairly well, but not perfect. The sale says I lost 1.4 lbs, but I feel like I lost more. I stayed on plan almost every day with a few minor slips. My pants feel looser and I feel stronger so I know I'm doing something right!! I worked out every day except Sunday. This week I need…
down 2 lbs
Two pounds in first week, even though I only joined mfp yesterday. I did slip up yesterday with bbq chicken. It falls into the eating for pleasure category. I have used food as a source of comfort and stress relief all my life and I need to work on changing that. I could have had a grilled cutlet but instead had the wings…
looking for a change!!
Hi all. My name is Ray. Im trying once again to lose 50 lbs. Always willing to listen!!
Hi. Im Ray and I live in Baldwin,New York. Thats on Long island for those not familiar. Im starting ANOTHER weight loss program for the umpteenth time. Looking for any support I can get. Its been a lifetime struggle for me.