Name a Movie with the last letter of earlier movie name posted by the person above you for example Movie Name Face off.............another person should name another movie name with the starting letter as F:smile:
How many of us have dual life (One offcourse with the family/friends another discreet on the Internet) :wink:
Do you give a smile to the stranger whom we meet almost daily (While travelling to office or gym/tempel/chruch).....
Anyone have done 108 times(54 Sets of Suryanamaskar) if yes how long it took for you,Have done Suryanamaskar 108 times and i took 40 Minutues for same. Cheers
Who is more cautious towards weight men or women Honest answers please,
How many of us pray to god when we stand on the weiging scale.please vote
I was 104 Kgs and thru suryanamaskar i lost 23 kgs in last 15 months. But in the last 2 weeks i have noticed that i have gained 2 kgs. I have not changed anything in my diet/workout. Can anyone help me as why this could be happening......... Thank You