Cool website for food talk
I discovered Culinate, a website geared towards healthy food discussions and recipes. I was excited to read articles by a lot of passionate clean eaters on multiple topics. Any other 'off the beaten path' sites that are well informed and interesting?
Good cookbook
I had a bittersweet experience at Costco today: I really wanted to buy the premade seaweed salad, because I am really busy and would love the rare break in cooking, but the ingredients included a trio of different food dyes and a few other ingredients I didn't understand, thus I won't buy. Right after this disappointment I…
fitbit vs polarf7?
I have a polar f7 and use it to record swimming, walking etc calorie & heart rate. Is there a reason to use a fitbit instead?
I've turned to soups for appetite control and healthy meals and w/o many ingredients managed a good pot yesterday my family loved. Sauteed in 1 Tbs olive oil onion and apple w/anise seed, garlic and basil (fresh leaves thrown into pot), added some mashed garbanzo beans and some whole, threw in 6 cups veggie stock, 1 c…
New to My Fitness/former live stronger
Hi! I am a former Live Stronger who had a lot of success but sadly, my focus slid away, I slowly gained all weight lost and then some, and am now desperate to get back on track and find a way to live a great, full life while putting my food battles into a healthy place. Depression ='s weight gain, loneliness ='s weight…