I know this isnt a new subject but i was reading about some of yall starting detox and was wondering if anyone has done it, has lost weight at it, and what kind did you use? there are sooo many out there and i would like to know what it really does to you lol
It seems according to my "meals" the more i come closer to my calorie goal the more weight i will gain because it is telling me I will go into starvation mode. so then i add a few calories and it still says i will gain!! also i seem to be going over on my protein now :( can anyone help with a few suggestions on snacks…
I seem to be going over in fat but under in protein and im guessing "healthy" carbs...I just started and I do eat egg whites, spinach, salads, fruit etc. Any suggestions from some of yall that have been doing this for a while that will make my ratio healthier so i can get better results? also i really need to be economical…