Question about swinging?
I was at the park swinging for about 50 mins. I don't mean sitting on a swing moving back and forth slowly, I'd say it was an average speed though. It made my legs hurt a little from the motion of going up & down. Is that even a good way to work out? I can't figure out how many calories it would burn so I'm just curious…
Alyssa lies.
This song.. I swear it comes on at the most awkward times.. Because I'm Alyssa.. & it tends to come on when I lie. Thought you'd all like a bit of random. (:
My Big Redneck Vacation!
Anyone else watch that show? I'm sad it was the season finale tonight. That show was my happy place. Lol. I'd very much like to talk to people about it. :D
I miss my gallbladder.
I don't care how much pain it caused me.. at least I could eat like a normal person! Anyone else miss an organ they don't have anymore? Or am I just weird..
Finally at that point.
I've never post in this group before, figured it's a good time. Everyone I know is either married or in a serious relationship. I'm finally at that point where I'm ready to move on, get out in the world & find someone. I am only 19, but your first love can do a number on you. I've lost only 20lbs since the start of my…
When I was younger..
I made a lot of email addresses.. I have no idea how many I have.. Or what web accounts I have made. I've deleted a good deal of them. I have 6 aim. I had around 5 msn. (Now I have 3, soon to be 1) I had 6 yahoo. (I only have 1 I know of now) Please tell me I'm not the only one who was like obsessed with making screen…
There is nothing worse..
Than the smell of someone that forgot to put deodorant on before they started their work out... My poor nose..
Entertainment.. Tonight.
Tumblr seems to be down, & I'm still not that comfortable using these message boards. Ha. So does any one have any poetry? Or fun videos? This is a fun video for you to all enjoy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t5jw3T3Jy70
What is it about weddings..
They just make you want to cry your eyes out. I made it through the whole thing with out crying, choked a few tears back.. Now that I'm all alone in my room, I can't help it. Haha. My best friend, the girl I've known since I was 2, the one I've shared every single thing with since then.. she's married. When my sister got…
Things you shouldn't do when people are asleep:
Sing summer nights at the top of your lungs... Jump around singing I kissed a girl, you will end up knocking something over.. What esle?
Two truths & a lie! :D
What better way to make friends! Guess the lie.. Chances are good you'll get it right! ;P 1.) When I was younger, I'd run in the middle of the street & try to miss the cars. 2.) I love dying my hair different colors. 3.) I jumped off a cliff once.
American Idol.. Woooo.
I've been watching this show since it started. Best part.. The auditions!. I was going to go audition like 3 times now. I still haven't. Ha. What if there was a myfitnesspal idol.. A bunch of video's of people singing & "three" celebrities judging us.. Scary stuff.
I feel so young..
I'm 19.. Most of you people make me feel 12! haha, I'm not complaining.. I've always seemed older to everyone around me. I'm used to being older than everyone... Like on my blog, most of my followers ar like 15 - 17.. a few are even 13 & 14. It's a nice change. I need a life.
What if...
What if is the only question I really think.. My biggest what if is, What if this is all someone's imagination. Everyone's live.. All there thoughts and dreams and choices are the figment of someones extremely messed up version of the world.. What if it's my world... & I'm stuck an in unimaginably long dream... Deep stuff…
Serious question.
I was doing my typical 45 mins of Zumba, & about 17 mins in.. I all of a sudden became really sick.. & Had this really sharp around the bottom left of my chest when I took a deep breath, I've been getting random pains all over my body lately. I've been doing Zumba for a while & haven't had any problems before. I'm just…
Never have I ever..
Chased a rabbit down a rabbit hole.
The official snack cake of storyville~
Ho-Hos.. :D My mom bought some ho-ho's & it brought me back to my American Jazz class.. I wish I didn't move before I finished it ): I guess I'm not so *points to hip* This has been a random thread for your random interests (:
I'm a "Gleek"
I have a small obsession with that show for a few reasons.. 1.. It's in Ohio.. Duh. 2. Kevin McHale.. He was the main reason I turned it on. 3. It's a musical show.. I love musicals. Hello. It was made for me . 4. They do cover some of my favorite songs of all time... 5. Harry.. Freakin'.. Potter. I have now admitted to my…
Any one else with a history of mental health problems?
I have a very long list, actually. It makes this weight loss thing a lot harder. I try to be as pleasant as I possibly can. I put everyone else's needs before my own. I can't handle my own emotions. My anxiety is at an all time high. It's very hard for me to talk to strangers.. I mean it did take a year for me to actually…
Mama always said,
Life was like a box of chocolates.. you never know what you're gonna get. No seriously. When I was little my mom told me if I swallowed mouth wash. I'd die. I still can't use mouth wash with out freaking out. Or not to put my hands near the stove because I'd burn myself.. It took me util I was 18 to get my own food out of…
I almost died today.
Well okay, I might not have died.. but I could have been seriously injured. Driving home from the store on a lovely Sunday afternoon seems pretty safe. Right? Not so much. There was a car going about 45 in a 25, ran right through a stop sign.. & if my mom's boyfriend wasn't the one driving, it would have hit us. He stopped…
What's your favorite movie, or movies?
I love watching movies. A few of mine are Dazed and Confused; The Magic Trip; Pineapple Express; The Notebook; Cinderella; Harry Potter; Across the Universe; The Boondocks Saints; Grease; Spiderman; Iron Man; The Lost Boys... Actually mine is a really long list.. Can't even think of half of them.
Anyone get drawn to places?
My sister thinks I'm crazy now. I'm drawn to the Chelsea Hotel. I don't know why. I mean, over the years I've seen pictures & something in my mind was pulled to it. I always blow it off though. I get this vibe.. it's an amazing feeling. I can't honestly understand why. I felt the need to share this with people. haha.
Weird cravings.
I always crave the weirdest things. Like apple sandwiches. Pickles and frosties.. On a serious note, I swear I've been craving taco bell allll day. & a cigarette.. I'm horrible at quitting. I'm 19.. I've tried to quite over 100 times! Haha. What are weird cravings you have?
Pick a decade or genera.
This is just a fun game I do with my mom... She used to doubt the fact I can name songs & artists from any decade in almost any genera. It really is fun, see you name a decade or genera.. or both I look at my ipod & give you a song or artist, if I can't, you name one... Then I give you one. You look at your albums or…
Hello (: Getting myself back on track.
I made this account a while back, used it faithfully for a month or so. Ended up forgetting my password.. Which I do to almost every site. Only posted on here once. About swinging. Everyone who read it had the wrong idea. Which I guess is understandable. I'm no closer to my goal then I was when first making this account.…