Will anyone be following the new advice of ten 80g portions of fruit and or veg a day? (UK) It used to be five and now it is recommended to eat ten portions a day to avoid deaths from cancers/strokes and heart attacks. And what do you think is the best way to do this?
I went over my calories yesterday by about a 1000 and I realise now it was because I was exhausted. By 6 PM I had a headache and felt sick and finally after going to a diet club at 7 PM where they kept talking about the benefits of eating full fat milk and cream I came home and had two (small) bowls of hazelnut pillows…
Anyone got any ideas on this ... I've tried marsh mallows but you can't have much and struggle to resist the cakes mid afternoon as I have an acute craving energy crash etc. What little treats keep you on track?
I decided to try this for low mood and checked out videos online for best time to take. There were some videos saying it could help with weight loss (probably upto 8 lbs) and to prevent over eating. This is really good news if there are no side effects. Anyone tried it and had success?
Watched a documentary earlier this week as above. A scientist was claiming that exercise won't make one lose weight because it can't be done on a big enough scale to make any difference. It also said that if one did some exercise during the day then one would compensate for the rest of the day and be less active. Well this…