I think this will be more useful for people @Villae81 Find a gif you like on the interwebz, you usually have to click view image to find the actual address. Copy and paste the address in the reply box. Add brackets with img at the beginning and brackets with /img at the end. Viola. Gif.
Self explanatory.
Just 1 month left to wait. Who do you think dies? Do you think we'll know the first episode or will they drag it out?? I think it's either Glenn or Abe, which I love both. I wish it was Eugene... Also happy first day of Fall!
Don't make this about the D. What little things make you happy? One of mine is getting across a railroad crossing just moments before the gates start to come down. Not today, train.
Post on your mind but don't want to make a thread about it? Anything coming up this year that has you excited?? You got any new dank memes to share??? Want to have a conversation without getting yelled at by OP???? Well this is the thread for you! Keep it within the rules tho!
I want a puppy dang it, but I work full time. I live in a condo so can't install a doggy door. Anyone work and have a dog? How did you do it? How do you manage to keep your dog happy while you're at work?
With gifs.
But remember, no matter who you go as, we're all Negan ;)