Anyone have an easy, low cal smoothie recipe without banana or protein powder? I thought about just experimenting, but I haven't ever made one except for the frozen base ones I've bought. They have yogurt and fruit. I'd like to add spinach!! TIA.
I just tried my first jar of this peanut butter. I haven' mixed it with water yet. I tried a recipe on the Bell Plantation site. 1/2 cup yogurt, 2 T PB2 and a sliced apple. Not bad for 165 calories! It's pricey, but saves calries and I like peanut butter.
I have heard for awhile about how helpful it is to have 2 T daily. I tried drinking it-couldn't handle it!! I am thinking about putting it over cold green beans.(maybe with onions) Anyone have any low-calorie ideas on how to incorporate it, other than over lettuce or a salad. Thanks!
Hi. I have never used one before, but it is hard sometimes to guess or estimate size, etc. Any reliable, inexpensive food scales? Easy to use-I am not good with technology!! Thought I'd see if anyone had any advice. Thanks in advance.