Vancouver island BC Canada eh? Any one on here living on the island?! Havnt seen any yet!
So a few years ago I lost 45 lbs by eating 1200 cals a day and tons of cardio. I never ate junk and didn't drink booze etc. zero cheats I lost weight very fast, but gained 15 lbs back once I stopped being so strict. So what I was doing was dieting before not a lifestyle change which means it wouldn't last once I started…
I've been yoyo ing big time for years. I go between 135-148 for years. I am trying to get back to 128. Any one else figure out a way to kick the yoyoing?
I live on Vancouver island, see mostly USA people on here. Wondering if there is any islanders ?
I use to be like 175 and lost 45 lbs years ago, but gained 20 of it back a couple years ago now im only 6 pounds from my goal. I eat about 1200-1400 cal every day. i go the whole week doing good usually, and have lost 11 pounds in 7 weeks. but come Friday or sat i always feel like i wanna eat a bunch of crap all day and…
I lost about 40 lbs. (was about 170 lbs ) I wasnt "fat" before but pretty chunky (im tall) but i lost that and was at 126 LBS and that was perfect, not chunky but not too skinny. Then I kept it off for a year or so, and then gained back up to 150lbs. then lost back down to 138. Now im back to 146lbs. none of my jeans fit…