Anyone else relapse and is now doing it again ?

I lost about 40 lbs. (was about 170 lbs )
I wasnt "fat" before but pretty chunky (im tall)
but i lost that and was at 126 LBS and that was perfect, not chunky but not too skinny.
Then I kept it off for a year or so, and then gained back up to 150lbs. then lost back down to 138.

Now im back to 146lbs. none of my jeans fit me and i am now going straight again.


  • cafeaulait7
    cafeaulait7 Posts: 2,459 Member
    Oh, yeah! I got chubby and took care of that a few years ago, having a great time at the gym and restricting certain foods to once a week (like a pastry, I mean). I got smaller than I ever expected, with great muscles and was like Wow!

    Then I slowly got lazier and lazier about things (well, and life happened and stuff). Oops :D Put back on the 30 lbs and lost all that lovely muscle, too. So now I'm back at it. I feel more confident about it by far this time, though. I know it'll work, definitely.

    I just won't put it out of my mind so much again once I get there. That was silly of me, really. I didn't even own a scale of my own, and apparently, I need to, lol.
  • 722_christina_722
    I am struggling with this exact problem. I lost a lot of weight and kept it off for awhile. I had some medical issues and got pretty down on myself. I gained quite a bit back. I just want to fix myself and figure out how to stay there and why I allowed the relapse so it doesn't happen again.