What Marijuana Does to Your Metabolism
http://www.attn.com/stories/2902/cannabis-effects-on-metabolism Yippee!
A Gene Called FTO
http://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa1502214?query=featured_home Some of you may be interested in this.
Where I've Been - Where I Am
Hello. I'm a 58 year old man who had a heart attack on May, 2012. I was 230lbs @ 5' 10”, smoked 3 packs daily and could smell my death rattle. That was then. Allow me to share what's worked for me. Nutrition/Diet: Everyday week there are new reports, studies and findings on nutrition. Finding sources one can believe can be…
nutritionsteps - The Science of Nutrition
Happened across this free online course on nutrition. http://www.nutritionsteps.org/main/course/index.html Great for those who'd like to brush-up and those who need a complete crash course on nutrition, with an Italian flare, (Dr. Stefano Vendrame (Ph.D. Human Nutrition). Topics: The Science of Nutrition Eating Behavior…
NYT - On Food Labels, Calorie Miscounts
This story (by Philip J. Hilts) was published today, (04/28/15), in the New York Times. http://well.blogs.nytimes.com/2015/04/27/on-food-labels-calorie-miscounts/?ref=health&_r=0 I suspect that many here will be interested in these findings. The method most commonly used to assess the number of calories in foods is flawed,…
NYT - Exploring Why Some People Get Fitter Than Others
Another possibly relevant story report in the Times today, (04/29/15). by Gretchen Reynolds on the science of fitness. Anyone in a running group or gym class has likely noticed that some of the participants annoyingly become much fitter than others. But exactly why some people’s bodies respond well to working out and…
Feel Good Naked
Saw this story today and thought it could ease the pain for some. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/jenn-hand/3-ways-to-feel-good-naked-even-when-youre-feeling-fat_b_6802420.html
Behind New Dietary Guidelines, Better Science
In case you haven't investigated the government's new dietary guidelines, here's the scoop. http://www.nytimes.com/2015/02/24/upshot/behind-new-dietary-guidelines-better-science.html?ref=health&_r=0&abt=0002&abg=0 Behind New Dietary Guidelines, Better Science For decades, many dietary recommendations have revolved around…
Accurate Label Calorie Counts
While the debate of calories in - calories - out rages on, there's related discussion of whether nutrition labels offer accurate calorie counts. Here are just a few links that maintain, not - so - much. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=udjBGCJ24QI http://nutritionovereasy.com/2011/04/can-you-trust-the-nutrition-facts/…
What Happens When You Stop Eating?
As this is an often discussed and debated topic, this video may be helpful. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RehCW0KM8RM enjoy
Eat Too Much Over The Weekend?
Though this could be of interest to MFP users. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/02/05/weekend-binge-weight-loss_n_4726935.html?utm_hp_ref=healthy-living Eat Too Much Over The Weekend? Here's Why You Shouldn't Freak Out After a weekend of heavy eating and drinking, most dieters probably don't like what they see on the…
Wet Heavy and Abundant Snow/ No Match
Just finished the usually daunting chore of shoveling away today's glut of snow, a job that consistently brought me to my knees. Today... didn't even wind me. No exaggeration, this stuff was dense, 8" deep and plentiful. Yet no need to relax the frozen, hunched back, I just dug-in until done. Then, I continued down the way…
Your Main Photo - Why, What, Why Not
I'm curious how people choose their primary photos. I suppose these can be important even powerful statements about ourselves or completely insignificant. Can you explain your motivation for picking your photo?
The Pay-Off is Powerful
For 13 years I traveled the country with a band. This was from 1994 - 2007. I weighted approximately 225lbs (@5' 10"). I was fat enough to make plane trips uncomfortable, long and generally awful. I unbuckled my 42" waist pants (too tight), slipped off my shoes - extra poundage walking though airports. I needed both of…
The Power of a Daily Bout of Exercise
Found this study in the NYT. By GRETCHEN REYNOLDS This week marks the start of the annual eat-too-much and move-too-little holiday season, with its attendant declining health and surging regrets. But a well-timed new study suggests that a daily bout of exercise should erase or lessen many of the injurious effects, even if…
Everyday - Same Meals?
This approach isn't gonna work for all but it sure does for me. I eat, with very minor variation, the same meals every single day. What's worth noting is that I look forward and enjoy every bite. This make counting calories a cinch as I know what to eat without obsessing on the calorie count. But the best reason I found…
Understanding Why it's So Difficult to Maintain Weight
This episode from the HBO documentary series, (The Weight Of A Nation) gives the skinny on the situation many of us struggle with. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2i_cmltmQ6A