Pre-workout nutrition suggestions?
Hey all, I do my exercise first thing in the morning - usually within 15 - 20 mins of waking. I am finding though that sometimes i may get light-headedness, nauseous, quickly fatigued etc. and thought that a quick something to eat or drink pre-workout may assist? Not sure what to have though that will help and not feel too…
Oh no - I am losing muscle as well as fat!
I have been trying to shape up for about 10 weeks now and have lost about 4.5kg on the scale - which compared to previous experiences has been relatively slow. I thought this was because I was exercising as well (not just dieting) and retaining my "little" muscles but my from my calculations half of that loss is fat and…
Workplace saboteurs
Is it just me being sensitive or does it p*#s you off when you're at work and cake is being shared for someones birthday (everyone knows you are on a diet) and then they purposely make a huge deal about how good the frickin cake tastes? I actually wasn't even very tempted - was more interested in the strawberries on top…
For the challenged newbies...
Ok so I am new to forums. Could someone please tell me what bump means? Something good I am guessing but I'm to embarassed to ask my work buddies LOL:)
What does your body fat percentage look like?
I just found this very interesting web page which I thought others here might enjoy. http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/body_fat_categories.htm I'm curious - what are people's goals in terms of body fat %. For me it's all about where it is distributed to as well. I carry excess weight on my tummy. I am currently 27% body fat…
Step VS Circuit Training
So I've been going to the gym for about 8 weeks now and been finding the boot camp type circuit classes the absolute hardest. Last week I got a HRM and to my surprise, the "easier" step class I am doing is shredding way more calories per minute than these circuits! What other surprises am I in for? And what do you find to…