

  • I totally agree about this one. You see lots of people living on lollies & biscuits and are losing weight just because they are under their calorie goal. I have been there too and even though you lose weight you still feel like crap and are just a skinnier version of your old fat self. We need to focus more on the quality…
  • Jillian Michaels or someone really fit and healthy like her. She looks great!
  • I aspire to number 1 but if it means nothing but chicken breast and broccoli, 8 hours in the gym and no fluids then *kitten* that - i'd be happy with number 2 and a normal life! PS. I think you forgot to describe the amount of fake tan in pic 1 as well! LOL
  • Awesome job. I wish I had taken progress photos at the start so I could look back!
  • Man - I cannot think of anywhere else I would rather NOT be than up front and centre in a Zumba class. I head for the back and try and look invisible! Then I am not singled out and told to shake my boobies. My advice - switch to pump. LOL
  • I don't know what caused me to see the red flag but one day i just said to myself "you know what - next Monday isn't good enough - you've been telling yourself that for 10 years or so - JFDI and do it now". I haven't looked back since and am feeling more in control than ever before. Lots of great motivating people on here…
  • mmm - since I got my HRM i have noticed my heart rate frequently up in the 190's and I am 36 so it should be 184 max. Does that mean I am in my 20's on the inside?? LOL
  • Good summary. I always need something quick to throw back at the anti-aspartame army!
  • I've been meaning to try this. Sounds like you are having good results. I have heard they can increase cravings. Will be interested to see what others say. Just out of curiosity - how much artificial sweetener did you have before?
  • I know how you feel - I don't really feel that safe running outside so I opt for the treadmill at the gym. I have just started the c25k program and up until now have done all my workouts in the group fitness rooms as I find the cardio machine a bore. The only thing I can do is download some cool music and listen while I am…
  • I've opened up my diary now. Just been reading some posts on your website. Good stuff there - thanks for your advice.
  • I have been off reading the useful links posted here. Thanks all for your input - i think i will definately need to up the calorie intake and pay a bit more attention to the quality of calories I am eating. Also change up the workout routine to include more heavy weights and ditch the f*#karounditis as described in…
  • Thanks for that link. It's great. I have been 20% before but still had lots of jiggly bits like a tummy. I am also aiming somewhere between 15 - 16%. Currently I think I am about 25% so have a long way to go:(
  • Hey Nicole. It's a tough gig working full-time and being a Mum - that is for sure. I used to work shift work and found i gained quite a bit of weight because I found it so tiring that I tended to eat to keep myself awake. Was a really slow job though in IT and only had to work when something went wrong so the hours went by…
  • I was going to suggest c25k too. I just started it this morning. There is also an iphone app for $2.99 that i found good -although i have only used it 1 day. Good luck and feel free to add me if you want to do it with a buddy:)
  • Yeah - I have been there before (at my goal weight) and still completely untoned and flabby. Did it just with diet. This time I am exercising as well and seeing good changes but I am concerned that I will end up still not at a desirable body fat %. Last time I lost weight I was about 21% which still left me with a tummy…
  • I've lost 10 pounds and lots of boobage (1 cup size). I have another 10 to go and expect to lost another cup:( Sad - I liked my chubby boobies - will be like a pre-teen again when I am at goal. Plus side of that is that my stomach is now smaller than my boobs so by comparison all is AOK!
  • Hey - I'm not working abroad. Been in Brisbane, Australia all my life. My hubby however is currently looking for work in Canada so if he succeeds it will be a major lifestyle adjustment. Been doing some research but sometimes it is hard to find what you want to know. Where abouts in Canada are you from?
  • So you let slip for a few days....nobody's perfect. But if you let this slip determine failure - you are right, you will never reach your goals. Get back on track now, don' t wait til tomorrow!
  • Yeah I use all of that plus yoghurt. If you are a coffee drinker you can make a nice low-cal iced mocha with low fat milk, natural yoghurt, chocolate protein powder, instant coffee and artificial sweetener (to taste if needed). As a breakfast smoothie I like to chuck a banana, honey, wheatgerm, milk, yoghurt and vanilla pp.
  • Hi - I'm in Brisbane. Have tried weight watchers and shakes too. MFP is great and easy and the support is awesome. Best of luck and feel free to add me.
  • I also keep mini chocolate flavoured protein bars at home and they are great. 30g proteinfx bars for 100 cals each. They are in choc fudge, cookies and cream, choc raspberry and choc orange. YUM!
  • I am an ex-chocoholic and found that including more fruit (I previously ate none) to 2 serves a day really helped with the sweet cravings. After a week or 2 when I craved something sweet fruit really did the job. On the odd occasion when I really, absolutely must have some chocolate I go with dark instead of milk - because…
  • I find that I can do way more if my body is really warm from an intense cardio workout. Not just a few more but twice as many! I have gradually been increasing the number and the variety in how I do the push up. Sometimes, wide arms, sometimes inclined on a step, sometimes with one hand on a medicine ball etc. And I think…
  • Yes - I have found the calorie burn to be way off on MFP for everything I was doing. When I got my HRT I found it surprising I was burning way more calories doing step classes vs high intensity cardio/strength circuits which i found physically way more difficult.
  • I have 3 favourites: 1. Peanut butter, tomato and onion. 2. This one needs to be toasted - sliced green apple, sultanas, peanut butter and alfalfa sprouts. 3. Chicken breast shredded really small and mixed with low-fat mayo (til it is like a spread), with rocket leaves, sliced cucumber and toasted slivered almonds. Mmmm -…
  • Sounds to me like it is not a high enough priority to you at this point in time and you need to make a choice about living the way your are and being happy or changing your lifestyle. Sorry if that sounds harsh.