Cardio and HIIT before breakfast
i always read that cardio before breakfast is the best time to burn fat. The problem I have always had is that I didn't lose fat, I lost muscle. I ended up with skinny arms and legs and plump everything else! I gave up spinning for this reason. In case anyone else had this problem, I found a recommendation to take BCAA…
Share your treadmill routine
Hey! I love treadmills so much I bought one! I do strength training as well, but the treadmill is something I actually enjoy! Obviously, I am trying to lose weight as well as enjoying the experience! I'm doing 30 minutes before breakfast at the moment, like this: 10mins warm up 2mins speed 5, Incline 2 3mins. Speed 6.…
Book: The science of fat loss
Hi all Just reading Phil Richard's mamoth book, The science of fat loss. My personal trainer was trained by Phil, who also trains athletes and boxers etc. its a but technical but I have found it helpful. Warning: those who are in the "it's just calories in and out" camp won't like it as the whole book dispels that myth.…
Hi I like sweet stuff. I'm currently using Xylatol as a sugar replacement. Its low cal and low Gi. Not sure if there is anything better?
You rock!
Hey all, I'm guessing we are all prone to being negative and focusing on the times we blow it. So I just wanted to take a moment to say You rock! However you feel about yourself your made in the image of a God, you are His unique creation and of immense value. Today is His gift to you, so feel the love and smile. And if…
Comfort eating
i know how to lose weight and have done it significantly many times(!). The problem I always have is that when I get stressed or down I eat like crazy. I've been 'just trying harder' for 5 years and now I'm just demoralised. Any help appreciated. Thanks,
Carb cycling
Hi all, My personal trainer has recommended carb cycling to lose weight. The idea is you lower or don't have carbs every other day. Some people suggest replacing the carb calories with protein and fat, others not. The second sounds more like calorie cycling. The theory is something like it keeps your body confused and…
My new Bodymedia armband!
Hi all, I tell my friends about my new Bodymedia armband and they just can't get excited, so I'm sharing it with you! I got the Bodymedia core by ordering from the US on ebay. Paid £42 including delivery (brand new). The UK version, Ki Fit, is about £129. Its fantastic! It does your steps and all that but what I like is…
Healthy ready meals
Hi all, I'm trying out 'Performance meals' that claim to be very healthy and high in protein but with carbs and fat too in there. They give you about 49 grams if protein per meal (I'm always struggling to get enough protein), and average about 350 Cals per meal. I add a pack of steamed vegetables which brings it up to…
Night time munchies!
Hi I manage to do well all day long but for some reason when it gets to 8pm I just want to eat! Mostly everything I shouldn't eat. My wifes passion in life is baking, and she is very good at it. Im not sure if its boredom thats the problem or something else. Yes, I know its a lack of self control! Any tips from those who…
Whats the point of exercise?
Hi all MFP recommends eating back your exercise calories. If losing weight is about calories in and out, and you eat back what you burn - then in what way does exercise contribute to weight loss?
Help with calorie goals etc
HI all, im fairly new here and trying to sort our my goals. The automatic setup feature says I should be on 1380 calories a day. That doesn't seem like much. Can anyone verify? Here's my stats Male 5' 11" tall 93.6kg Body fat 28.8 (US army method) desk job I go spinning 3 times a week, 45 minutes each Weight training two…
changing the targets
Hi Newbie question. How do I change my goals for protein, carbs and fat? It worked it out automatically but I want to change the ratios? Thanks Trevor