I typically listen to Fat Boy Slim, Pantara and old school Metallica on cardio days. I'm open to suggestions for differnt tunes to help keep me going. I've tried Pandora a couple of times but the tempo of the songs tend to vary too much to be effective while on the elipical or treadmill.
I want to get some dried fruit for snacks and recipes but I see that many add sugar, oil and other things. Are there preferred brands or websites that offer dried fruit without additives? Thanks in advance.
I wanted to share that today I checked my BMI for the first time since I began to use MFP. I don't think that I've ever been so happy to be classified as overweight. I realize that it's a small milestone but I'll take it.
I can work through most of the P90 3-4 cardio workout. I might be gassed at the end, but I get through it. The one section where I have trouble is the jumping jacks, running and run lunges. During the jacks and lunges the bottom of my feet hurt a lot and I back to jogging. When the pain subsides, I jump back into th…
Years ago I followed the BFL plan (I still follow that weight-cadio cycle). I had a great recipe for banana muffins that included protein powder and stone ground wheat. I have no idea what happened to the recipe. I'm craving muffins and open to suggestions. Two caveats: I don't like chocolate. The recipes should be…
Greetings everyone. I started with MFP a few days ago after switching from a different app. A friend recommended it and I really like it better. I see others doing P90. I started using the program two weeks back when I couldn't get to the gym. I borrowed a friend's copy. He only had the 3-4 cardio and the 1-2 abs. There…