Foot Pain during P90 Cardio - Thoughts?

I can work through most of the P90 3-4 cardio workout. I might be gassed at the end, but I get through it. The one section where I have trouble is the jumping jacks, running and run lunges. During the jacks and lunges the bottom of my feet hurt a lot and I back to jogging. When the pain subsides, I jump back into th routine. I also notice the pain occurs when I do calf raises at the gym.

Any thoughts as why this happens and how I can avoid it from continuing in the future? Thnx.


  • kylielouttit
    kylielouttit Posts: 512 Member
    Is it time for new shoes perhaps?
  • Candicoates1
    Candicoates1 Posts: 1 Member
    I had the same problem and it was most definatley my sneakers. I had to find better sneakers with more arch support. That did the trick! Good Luck.....I feel your pain!
  • primus_guy
    primus_guy Posts: 53 Member
    I just bought new shoes last week. While the pain is a little less, its still there.
  • Flyntiggr
    Flyntiggr Posts: 898 Member
    I just found out from the podiatrist that my crazy foot pain is caused by the 'shape' of my foot. This shape dictates how your foot strikes, especially during cardio intervals like you mention. In my case, the pain was caused by irritating the perneous longus tendon in the bottom of my foot. By altering my shoe insert (he added some sticky foam to the bottom), my foot now strikes flat and the pain went away. I was in tears from it less than a week ago, and tested my 'new' inserts tonight, and ran the fastest I ever have with NO PAIN!
  • oEmmyo
    oEmmyo Posts: 21
    I've been having a lot of foot pain in the last month. It started when I went to the beach and was walking on the sand. There was no visible trauma and I never dropped anything on my foot. I have never had this problem before. It hurts when I bend my toes back and they always hurt when I wake up in the morning. I talked to a doctor and he said it was normal (doubt it) and that when it hurts, just roll my feet over a frozen bottle of water.
  • Flyntiggr
    Flyntiggr Posts: 898 Member
    oEmmyo - you have plantar fascitis. One of the prime symptoms is the morning foot pain. Does it hurt in your arch right in front of your heel? Rolling your foot over the bottle will help. So will doing the same with a golf ball. Also, stretch your foot by putting a towel around the ball of your foot and pulling back on both sides of the towel.