Beef Roast recipe ideas?
Hey! I get a big grassfed order of beef every other month, and it always includes a massive beef roast. I'm not a fan of pot roast or stews. Is there any other way I can cook a beef roast? Thanks for your ideas in advance!
Miami Boxes?
Hey! I'll be in Miami this week for a few days. Any recommendations for a good box to drop in?
Traveling for the Holidays - Need body weight WODs
Hello, friends! It's that time of year, and I'm traveling up north in the middle of nowhere Wisconsin for a few days, with no boxes in sight. I'm sure I'm not the only person with this dilemma, so I was hoping we could all post some of our favorite body weight WODs to share!
Toes 2 Bar
Hey! I definitely find myself struggling with T2B lately in WODs. Today, for example, was a12 min AMRAP 10 OH Squats, 20 T2B, 30 DUs. I can do T2B up to 5-6 consecutive, and have been getting more practice with the kipping motion, but when I get into a WOD, I tire out so quickly! After a while, I'm falling off the bar…
People in NYC area who have had Paleo Success
Hey! I saw this on Facebook from NomNomPaleo, let's get some people to share their stories! If any people on here are from the NYC area, let's get the word out (even if it is on the Dr. Oz show...). Here's the link: http://www.doctoroz.com/nyc-area-had-success-paleo-diet
Crossfit Open
Who's doing it this year? I've been doing Crossfit for only a month, is it completely unrealistic of me to be considering it?
I would like to start making my own sauerkraut, and I have the recipe from Practical Paleo, but I was wondering if anyone else has any recipes that they like to use when making their own? Thanks!
Anyone on Pinterest
Hey! I know we have the recipe thread going on right now, but I thought it'd be nice to share all the Whole 30 goodness and recipes that we pin on Pinterest. I've got a Paleo Life board, as well as some for desserts, side dishes, and party appetizers. If any one wants to follow my board or share the link to their boards to…
Discovering a gluten intolerance and symptoms question
I have been eating paleo/primal since October (no grains, dairy, legumes), and this past month I've done the Whole 30 challenge, which is basically the strictest form of paleo, where you eliminate all sugar, alcohol, grains, legumes and dairy and only eat whole foods. Since on this diet for the month of January, I have…
Nitrites and Nitrates in Bacon
I came across this article on Chris Kresser's website, The Nitrate and Nitrite Myth: Another Reason not to Fear Bacon. http://chriskresser.com/the-nitrate-and-nitrite-myth-another-reason-not-to-fear-bacon This is contradictory to what I've read before and been told when trying to find bacon and sausages. Has anyone else…
Weird cravings?
Hey! So I'm almost a week in, and I'm starting to have weird cravings. At the moment, I'm dreaming of chicken liver pate. Weird, because I've only tried pate a handful of times in my life, and while I enjoyed it, never felt a true need to consume it at any time. Currently searching the internet for Whole 30 friendly pate…
Ready to make the leap, Looking for Paleo friends!
Hello! I've been interested in trying the paleo diet for the past 6 months, but I haven't been able to make the jump. I listen to the Paleo Solution podcast all the time, and I'm amazed by the stories I hear of people who have adopted this lifestyle. The final push that I needed to make the switch is coming from marathon…