NSV: Just a laugh
NSV: Strange thing, I was sitting down yesterday and was ready to watch some TV ......well I had on some shorts on and I caught a reflection of my thighs in the mirror and noticed how thin........correction how thin and tone/defined they were getting (lovely)..........but the surprising part of it all the dimples, cottage…
How do you burn more fat and less muscle?
Okay, I was just wondering how do I burn more fat? Yes, I have heard that running is a great way to burn calories and a quick way to burn fat, but I have a bad knee and I hate running. Any other suggestion? Also, how do I avoid not losing anymore muscle mass? I went to the Dr. and he said this month I lost 11 LBS, BUT out…
Something interesting
Here is an interesting thing I found out today. I went to the Doctor & nutritionist and they have this fancy machine that does a total body scan that reads everything. It reads how much fat you have (good and bad fat), muscle and if you lost or gain muscle, water and your intake and if you need more or lss, it also has…
Surprised the hell out of me!
Here is a real interesting thing. I don't really look at myself in a full length mirror or never really paid attention to myself in a full length mirror.However, last night I was in my daughter's room and I was checking myself out in my her mirror and I saw something amazing,lol. I did not realize how much my body's shape…
Excercise and Fitness
When do increase your weights on your workout and how much do you increase it by? When do you know when the weight is enough? Is it better to increase the reps if so by how much and when?
Reps or weight?
Just wondering. when your doing "Strength Training" when do you increase the weight and by how much do you increase it. Does it continue to increase and when is the weight enough? OR is it better to increase the reps? or do you alternate? what about resistant training ? or when your doing circuit training? Just wondering?…