Something interesting

Here is an interesting thing I found out today. I went to the Doctor & nutritionist and they have this fancy machine that does a total body scan that reads everything. It reads how much fat you have (good and bad fat), muscle and if you lost or gain muscle, water and your intake and if you need more or lss, it also has your recommended cal intake, and it also reads other things about your body.The bad thing is you can't BS your Dr.. Any ways he said this month I lost 6 lbs of fat and lost 4 lbs of muscle (yikes), which is not great. I want to hold on to the muscles. So he said if your working out you need to have at least 100g of protein a day or more if you want to keep the muscles.So he recommended shot proteins you can buy at any health store or walmart 35 g of protein, 100 cal, and 1 g of carbs. So goal for the month hold on to the muscle and lose the fat or gain 10lbs of muscle and lose 10 lbs of fat.Will see how it goes.


  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    Oh that is interesting. I am trying to eat at least 100g of protein so hopefully i am dropping fat not muscle. Keep us posted. Will you be visiting him again next month?
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I try and eat my body weight (in grams) of protein a day. At first it was tough, but now it is like second nature to me. Protein is really the only thing I watch besides calories. I don't pay much attention to sugar or carbs. But, with as much strength training as I try and do in a week - I know I need the protein.
  • critiry3
    critiry3 Posts: 51
    Yes, I have an appointment next month. He recommended the protein shot (which is liquid prtein) so it does not affect my calorie intake so much. He said the shots will keep my calorie intake and carbs low and still get my protein. Will keep you posted. I work out 5-6 x a week and with weight training he said I also lose muscle and that is what the DR &nutrionist is trying to prevent.