I did something today I haven't done in over a year. I took the stairs to my car after work. I park on the 8th floor of my parking garage and I thought "Okay, today I'm going to walk up the first few flights, then I'll take the elevator". But once I started up, I didn't quit til I got to the 8th floor. I hit the landing on…
I have a fitness step at my house and did a good number of steps but the fitbit doesn't register them as stairs. Any idea if there is a setting i can change?
I took my measurements today to compare with last month. Some are the same and but my hip measurement was bigger by 1/2 inch. I feel better and I think I look better naked by a small margain - but still. Is there a reason my hips got bigger?
What are the drawbacks, side effects of eating too much protein?
Does anyone have any tips for quitting smoking? I'm trying to do it cold turkey. Withdrawals suck. :(
Hi all! I'm new to the "community" section here and I'm looking for motivation partners. :) Evelyn
I just got back on the site -- new attitude this time! I thought I should get more involved, join some groups, get some motivational tips, etc. Any group suggestions would be appreciated!