Since I'm posting the topic I'll start. My froshman year (no I did not mis spell...I did that intentionally) of college I had to write an essay about myself. Part of that requirement was to read a biography or autobiography that was similar in nature to what my theme was about. The hard part for me was finding a book that…
Have you made a plan on how you are going to achieve your dreams? Has anyone actually written down what your hopes and dreams are? Have you written down how you hope to actually achieve those goals rather than just wish they might magically happen? I have made short term and long term dreams/goals. They are written down on…
I sit and look at my pictures and see muffin back with a pair of matching saddle bags(granted they are decreasing in size). why do pictures have to show every nasty detail? I guess in a way I am glad to sit and really look to see what others see that I normally don't notice. If I sit here and dis on myself I can only begin…
He who risks and fails can be forgiven. He who never risks and never fails is a failure in his whole being. —Paul Tillich What risks have you taken? What have your past failures been? How have you learned from those risks & failures? Are you becoming more successful from those lessons learned? ONE thing that has been my…
Wednesday's positive quote for thought & homework: HAHA! (yes I said homework) Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going. -Jim Ryan - I want all my buddies if you haven't already done so write and I mean write down what motivates you, WHY you are here. Remember it takes 30 days to make or break a…