okay, im having a bit of a struggle at the moment and i figured my amazing MFP family could help me. Im seriously about to run in my kitchen, bake the red vellvet cake with cream cheese icing thats in my pantry, and have a binge fest until kingdom come... I know its a no brainer.... but i really REALLY am contemplating…
During pictures. 5 lbs down!
http://i86.photobucket.com/albums/k94/ktheresah92/Diptic.jpg I know its not a vast difference but i can tell a difference in my face and my back fat crease is smoother! I also feel so much better and have a ton more energy! my workouts are also getting les painful lol.
Girl Problems! Input needed!
Hey! So I am about to start week 4 of clean living and exercizing. But I am having a hard time in the past couple of days. I have barely worked out because i am so tired! I believe its due to the fact that im about to start my period. Do any of you ladies get tired right before your period? thanks!
how long did it take to form the habit?
I was just interested to know how long did it take everyone to consider their healthy lifestyle and exercising a habit instead of having to force it every day? when did it become easier for you? thanks!!
needing motivation and comparison stories!
Hey Everyone So i have been officially working out for two weeks religously with only two rest days so far. also, I have been watching portions, eating better, cutting out fast food and soda etc... however, my scale has not budged! I know that you are supposed to gain muscle when you first start working out, but any time…
Men vs. Women body image...
No offense to all you men out there but why is it that if a guy is fat no one cares? but if a woman is fat, she is judged, made fun of, and automatically written off as disgusting and stupid. im not terribly overweight by any means, but i get rude comments about being fat all the time. if there were a man with my exact…
1200 calories per day trouble. =[
Hey everyone. okay so heres my dilemma: im finding it EXTREMELY difficult to eat only 1200 calories per day. i wouldnt feel so bad about going over my calories if i actually had time to exercise them off... but i dont. my life has gotten super busy lately and it killed me when i had to give up zumba. =[ its like my body is…
eating for your body type...
i have just recently heard about the books that teach you to eat for your body type to speed up your specific metabolism. has anyone done this? need opinions/info on it! thanks =]