Getting out of the hole
Hello fellow fitpallers. I need some advice for dead lifting. I hit 225 on dead lift pretty solid, but I am having a hard time going heavier because I get stuck in the hole. I am looking for ways to help build the strength coming out of the hole. I tried standing on a step up platform, I think that's what they are called,…
How we see women today
You should check this out, it's crazy how much has changed. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/05/22/art-history-photoshopped_n_5367171.html?utm_hp_ref=mostpopular Interesting take on art's famous nudes and were photoshop to fit today's image of beauty.
Bulking Advice
Hello! Two weeks ago I decided to bulk I have a pretty grasp at what I think I should be doing but I want some input from women who have done it and been successful. I am planning on doing a longer steady bulk for almost about a year. I am 5'8'' 152 pounds, two weeks ago I was 146 but it is that time of month so the weight…
Poor choices of a college student
So on Tuesdays I leave work early and have classes till 10 so my food is kind of different on days like today! The school cafeteria is no where near my classes and closes before my first one is over so I can't warm up my food. I have decided to drink my casein and eat beef jerky between my lab and class. Sounds logical…
Not really new but not really old
I had to start up a new account and lost many of my awesome friends! So here I am looking for new ones! :) I am active on here and love to help push my friends!! :) I'm also a sports nutrition major so I can help people out with their food/nutrition questions! I train like a competitor but I don't compete as the stage…
Raw or Cooked? That is the question
Do you guys weigh your foods raw or cooked? I've always wondered. I was told that its personal preference and just too stay consistent with whatever I chose. Agree or disagree?
I have been on here two years but just made a new account as a was having troubles with my old one. I'm wanting to get down to 18% body fat and whatever weight that puts me at I'm ok with it! I am looking for motivational friends who hold each other accountable! :) Anyone feel free to add me! I comment often and hand out…