Getting out of the hole

Hello fellow fitpallers.

I need some advice for dead lifting.

I hit 225 on dead lift pretty solid, but I am having a hard time going heavier because I get stuck in the hole.
I am looking for ways to help build the strength coming out of the hole. I tried standing on a step up platform, I think that's what they are called, which put the bar right above my toes to help with my problem. I just have a hard time with it as I feel the form is not good, its expected starting lower to be hunched over more, but it just doesn't feel right.

I used to have a hard time with locking out, but rack pulls helped with that tremendously. SO I am looking for the same kind of improvement exercise.

Any suggestions would be great! Thanks in advance.

Along with that any one have great success with pause squats for the same problem when squatting?


  • Willbenchforcupcakes
    Willbenchforcupcakes Posts: 4,955 Member
    Deficit deads can be great to develop strength and power off the ground.

    Sometimes it can be a grip issue as well, chalk and access to a proper bar can work wonders - I now hate pulling over 80% of my 1rm in my main gym because of liquid chalk only and mostly crappy bars.

    As far as the squat issue, by far the best thing I have done to develop my squat was run the first 6 weeks of smolov. A LOT of time under the bar fixed a major mental block I was having dropping down into the hole and being able to drive back up.
  • Chief_Rocka
    Chief_Rocka Posts: 4,710 Member
    How many reps can you do @ 225?
  • zbreslau
    zbreslau Posts: 1 Member
    Pause squats, deficit deads, power cleans.
    No shame working with a mixed grip- remember- the more advanced your deadlift is, the less often you should do them.
  • kelly_e_montana
    kelly_e_montana Posts: 1,999 Member
    I have had awesome success with pause squats for squatting. I generally incorporate them in my back squats at least every other week. I do pause front squats every week, beltless. Super core work! I feel like I could read the paper in the bottom of a front squat now and not get freaked out. I haven't 1 rm max tested in a while, but my old 1 rep max is a 3+ rep max now and my coach told me Saturday my front squat mobility and depth looked better than he'd ever seen--by a lot, he said.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
  • pknjhh
    pknjhh Posts: 117 Member
    Try an alternating grip with wrist straps. Left hand under and right hand over. This allows for more torque coming out of the hole. Also be careful not to use too much weight until you get your form perfected. Form is key. Bad form as your saying not feeling comfortable will cause slipped disc. Practice your form with with 185 until you have it down. Flat bottomed shoes are another thing that gets over looked. Running shoes have higher heels because of padding. Try it in your socks if you are using non flat shoes. Your balance will center much better and help form.
  • kelly_e_montana
    kelly_e_montana Posts: 1,999 Member
    To add from my previous post, my weak spot is the pull from the ground too. I have been doing deficit deads and recently started incorporating some stiff legged deadlifts.

    I'm max testing again next week and I am going to use a cue someone taught me about the sword in the stone. So, in the DL, really you can think of it as pushing your feet into the ground as much as pulling the bar up. So one way to think of that is to imagine trying to really push your feet down onto the ground while you are attempting to pull the sword out of the stone, so to speak.

    I know one thing I need to get comfortable with is just grinding it out and and letting all the slack come out of the bar.
  • TJP_
    TJP_ Posts: 49 Member
    Speed/dynamic effort deadlifts will be better here than defecits. You need to work on your explosiveness and get the pull started quickly.

    Paused squats are a great addition to your training too.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    have you tried paused deads- or deads to the knee?
    - they are different

    A paused dead lift- will be lift- complete stop at the patella- or just below the actual break in the knee- and then continue to lock out- and set down.

    Or- a deadlift to the knee- is lift only tot he knees and return- it's like a rack pull- but only for the bottom.

    Rack pulls are for people who have a hard time locking out- paused/and to the knee is for people who have a hard time at the bottom with lift off.

    Good luck!
  • MaeRay007
    MaeRay007 Posts: 68 Member
    Wow thanks for the response guys!
    I did 225x2

    I do use straps when going heavier, and it helps a ton. Also switch up my grip too.
    My form is good, that is always my first priority, I could go heavier if I let my form go, but I chose to sacrifice weight instead of form. (not in the business to get hurt)

    I think I'll do as mentioned and work on the speed of exploding up. I don't plan on going super heavy for awhile, I don't like to do that every week at all.
    I'm not sure how I feel about that dead to knee...I've never heard of it but I'll for sure look up stuff on it.